2. Death threats and dresses part three.

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Death threats and dresses part three.

(TW/ self-harm, swears, I don't know how hospitals work, other stuff?).

Garroth stayed unconscious the rest of the drive to the hospital, Lucinda holding the shirt to his wrist and Zane freaked out.

When Travis' dark green car pulled out front of the Hospital Katelyn was the first to jump out the car, going inside to inform the people that were at the front-desk that Garroth was about to be brought in.

Travis carried Garroth inside bridal style as Zane stood next to him holding the shirt on Garroth's arm trying to not look at the blood or acknowledge that his hand was being stained crimson by Garroth's blood soaking through the shirt.

A nurse got Travis to lay Garroth down on a bed and immediately inspected Garroth's arm, clearly not liking what she saw.

"Okay he's definitely going to need stitches, one of you can stay but the rest of you will have to wait in the waiting room".

Everyone but Travis stared at Zane.

"Katelyn, can you stay with him?" Zane requested.

"Yeah, are you sure you don't want to?" Katelyn asked a bit confused as to why Zane would want her to say with Garroth instead.

"I don't do well with blood, besides seeing me when he takes up might upset him" Zane admitted.

With a saddened sigh Travis wrapped his arm around Zane's shoulder and Walked towards the waiting room, leaving Katelyn with Garroth.

"I'll be back soon, I've got to call Cadenza and fill her in on what's going on" Lucinda decided.

"Laurence's sister?" Zane questioned, remembering that Laurence had mentioned that he was going to say with her for the weekend.

"Yeah, she's the one that asked Katelyn and I to go check up on Garroth, apparently Laurence was worried about him after getting some texts and she wanted to put him mind at ease" Lucinda explained.

Zane started Jabbing his fingernails into his palm again.

"Hey stop that" Travis mumbled grabbing Zanes hand.

Zane wasn't a big fan of people touching him, but allowed Travis to hold his hand anyway, although he would never admit it he found it comforting.

"He's going to be okay, he'll get stitched up and then be transferred to the psych ward and put on 24 hour suicide watch" Travis explained.

"H-how do you know all that stuff" Zane wondered.

"high school" was All Travis said, but it was all he needed to say for Zane to understand.

"This... what he did to himself it goes deeper than me catching him in those clothes isn't it, the stitches and watch won't fix everything".

"No, no they won't, you, we can't expect Garroth to heal straight away or without help" Travis confirmed.

"I'll help find him a therapist" Zane decided.

Travis let go of Zanes hand the second that Katelyn rushed in the room, not taking note of how distraught she was.

"I was kicked out, H-he's seizing" Katelyn exclaimed clearly extremely worried.

"Shit" Travis swore, standing up so he could hug Katelyn, knowing that seeing Garroth have a seizure would have brought back memories for Katelyn about her little brother Casey, who had multiple seizures after getting beaten up in high school.

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