13. Crashing Part One:

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Crashing part one:

(TW: medical inacurices, talks of car crashes, amputation, charater deaths, swearing SAD).

Ships: Zanvis, garrence.

"What do you mean you can't tell me what else is going on he's my brother!" Vlayd yelled at the nurse stood in front of him.

"Sir we can't give you any information until he's out of surgery" the nurse sighed looking at a fellow nurse on the otherside of the room.

"He's my Boyfriend, come on at least tell me he's alive" Laurence growled.

"Come on let's see if Vlayd's having any luck" Travis wispeared placing a hand on Laurence's shoulder.

"Any luck?" Laurence asked as he and Travis walked up to Vlayd.

"Not on my brothers no, but, Donte...Travis, I'm sorry, he's gone".

Travis's eyes widened, Donte the closest thing he'd had to a brother, gone, dead.

"Holy shit" Laurence exclaimed hugging Travis.

A white Hospital bed rolled into the room with a medical cart attached.

"Oh my Irean" Travis ran up to the bed seeing the pale figure of his future Husband,

Travis took Zane's hand crying.

Zane looked to pale, and small compared to the bed.

"H-Hey Baby~" Travis sobbed putting a hand through Zane's hair, wanting to be comforting despite the fact that Zane was unconscious.

"What's going on with Garroth?" Laurence asked the man who'd brough Zane in.

"He's in surgery, we're hoping to save his leg with reconstructive surgery" the man hurried out of the room.

"They shaved his hair" Travis spoke to himself, noticing the shaved patch of hair surrounding a long bandage on his head.

"Irean, I can't believe this" Vlayd sniffled going to his brothers side planning on holding his other hand but he was stoped by the large cast that went from his shoulder to his fingers.

"H-Hes alive...the way the crash sight looked when we passed it I didn't think that anyone would be" Travis admitted.

Laurence swiftly turned around to the nurse he'd been yelling at earlier.

"Can you tell us whats wrong with him?" Laurence wondered.

"No sorry, but I'm sure Doctor V will come in and explain soon".

Another bed was rolled in confusing the trio, they'd just been told Garroth was in surgery".

"Gene?" Travis wimperd being reminded that his friend, his brother had just died.

Gene had a patched over eye and a casted arm and leg.

No one had even known that Gene had been involved.

"Hey guys do you know how Donte is, no one is telling me" Gene groaned he was clearly worried and wanted to know what was ging on with his little brother.

"Gene, I-I" Travis broke out into tears moving to hug Gene.

"Trav, what are you doing?" Gene frowned ,Travis was like a second brother to him.

"He didn't make it" Vlayd explained looking down at Zane.

"H-He, no, NO, you're wrong" Gene denied.

"I'm sorry" Travis cried as Genes world fell apart.

Donte, his baby brother, who looked up to him, who idolised him, who believed in him was gone.

"No, no, the other car it crashed into the front we were in the back" Gene tried to reason as if it'd change the truth, bring Donte back.

Vlayd and Travis locked eyes, if Gene and Donte were in the backseat and Donte passed away how bad were Zane and Garroth who'd taken the brunt of the crash.

"Who was driving?" Vlayd wondered as if it mattered.

"Zane, it crashed into Zane".

Gene zoned out not answering anything or anyone as the loss of his broth sunk in.

An odd gargling sound came from zane replaced by the sound of all the air trying to escape his lungs as his heart monitor started going off.

Nurses rushed in pushing Vlayd away, forcing Vlayd,Travis and Laurence to stand ideally as they forced a breathing tube in Zanes throat.

"Stable" a nurse called out.

"I'll go call my parents" Vlayd decided he was waiting until he knew that his brothers were okay but it was clear that they weren't.

"Hello I've got the belongings of the Ro'meave and Scaleon brothers" a younger man announced walking in passing Vlayd.

Travis took the bags putting them on the edge of Gene's bed.

Travis with difficulty opened the bag labled Zane, taking out a slick black ring and returning to Zane's side slipping the ring on his finger.

"You're not getting out of marrying me this easily" Travis promised.

Vlayd walked back in the room, it was clear he'd been crying.

"There on there way".

Coved in cut's bruises and a few stitched up gashes Garroth was rolled into the room,

His eyes were open, he was awake.

"Garroth" Laurence and Vlayd exclaimed rushing to stand either side of him,

Vlayd's eyes catching the empty void of a spot next to one of Garroth's legs.

"They couldn't save it" Garroth shuttered, noticing was Vlayd was looking at.

Laurence pushed his forehead against Garroth's the tips of there noses touching as he slowly kissed him.

"Don't ever scare me like that again" Laurence cried.

Garroth looked to his left seeing Gene sat mindlessly on his bed with, and in Laurence's eyes, and then to the right seeing Vlayd and Travis.

"Where's Zane a-and Dote?" aske Garroth.

Vlayd moved so that Garroth could see Zane.

"Irean is he okay?" Garroth freaked out a bit.

"Garroth calm down, we don't know anything yet other than he's stable".

"Mum and Dad are on there way" Vlayd frowned.

"Donte, where is he, is he in another room?" Garroth questioned.

"He didn't make it" Laurene cried.

"Hello" a woman with bright green eyes and white hair wearing dark blue scrubs walked in.

"I'm here to explain the extent of your injuries based on what we know so far

Gene has suffered a blow to the head so more head scans are needed, it's be a miracle if he wasn't concussed".

Travis nodded along sure than no one ele was listening at this point.

"As for Garroth he has a few stitches here and there and as you can see when he was bright in we were hopeful that we'd be able to save his leg but due to complications we had to amputate" Doctor V frowned.

Laurence and Vlayd looked at Garroth, horrified how calm Garroth was about losing his leg.

"As for Zane the crash caused some evidant spinal injuries and were waiting on a few more results from some scans that we've done".

"Wait spinal injuries dose that mean mean he could...could be paralised?" Travis asked.

"We won't know until he wakes up and we can run some more tests, I'm sorry I don't have better news".

Travis looked down at his lover, holding his hand tighter.

Garroth cried silently at the news that his Baby brother was really hurt. 

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