5. Quiet day, clinginess.

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Quiet day, clinginess:

 (TW: medically inaccurate seizures? feeling like they'll be sick?swearing / not sure).

*set before emerald secret/ like lovers lane time IDK*

Zane groaned at the loud sound son the TV downstairs, his head was violently throbbing.Despite wanting to Zane simply did not have the energy to tell Laurence to turn down the TV, Zane shifted onto his other side wrapping his pillow around his head in an attempt to block out the sound.Zane knew that his pounding head was one of the warning signs of what Zane's mum had named 'quiet days'.Zane was a quiet person in general but around every four months or so he'd have a day or two where he was completely non-verbal, he'd often space out and be extremely clingy, as a child Zianna was always who Zane clung to but after moving onto a collage campus where he only person he really knew was Garroth she was replaced for his elder brother.Garroth loved 'quiet days' it was the only constant time when Zane spent time with him and let him take care of him making him feel like a good big brother,The hug that practically lasted the entire day didn't hurt either.Zane often pretended to hate his brother but he was extremely thankful for him taking care of him on 'quiet days' no matter the state of their relationship.Light temporarily flooded into Zane's room from the hallway, singling that someone had walked into the room and closed the door."H-Hey Zane, it's three in the afternoon and you haven't been up and around yet so I just wanted to check you weren't feeling sick" Garroth whispered."Headache" Zane mumbled.Garroth nodded " Is it a normal headache or a tomorrow's quiet day headache?"."Quiet" Zane groaned shoving his pillow into his head harder.Zane regretted moving, hissing as the Line of light shone in through the not-so-closed blinds."Okay, I'll go get you some painkillers" Garroth smiled sympathetically, closing the blinds fully before leaving the room.Garroth rummaged through the cabinets of the kitchen looking for the painkillers, before giving up and walking into the living room."Laurence can you please turn down the TV" Garroth requested noticing how clearly he could hear it from Zane's room."Oh actually do you have the painkillers?"."Yeah I do there in my room, wait why do you need them are you feeling okay buddy?" Laurence asked concerned."Yeah I'm fine, they are for Zane he's got a headache" Garroth explained."Is it-""Quiet day headache, yeah" Garroth interrupted knowing what Laurence was going to ask."I'll go get the pills from my room, why didn't you get him some of the chocolate milk from the fridge" Laurence planned, turning off the Tv.Laurence and Zane were in no way friends but after a few months of living with each other, they found a way to be nice to each other anyways.Very few people knew about Zane's 'quiet day' clingy episodes, it was really only his family and Laurence and even then Laurence wasn't supposed to know.Laurence had come home from work to find Garroth in the living room watching the nightmare before Christmas with Zane cuddled into his side.Garroth noticed Laurence but didn't explain the odd sight to him until the next day when he got Zane's permission to tell him.Garroth gave Zane the painkillers and milk before slumping down onto the sofa next to Laurence who wrapped an arm around his shoulder."Well since tomorrow will be a 'quiet day' I guess I have to cancel my plans to go to the city" Garroth frowned."Why?, Travis and I will be here he'll be fine, We can take care of him" Laurence grinned."You know how clingy he gets he doesn't really like to let me out of his sight, he may freak if I'm not here"."Garroth. Zane will be fine, I've been through two of his...days and he seems fine with me, I know how to take care of him man it's just sweets, nightmare before Christmas and not pressuring him to talk, Plus if he wants to hug someone Travis will cuddle him, Travis loves hugs" Laurence joked at the end."You know what I don't know if Zane would accept hugs from Travis, normally there'd be no chance" Garroth laughed."See we've got this, you don't have to cancel your plans" Laurence assured."I-I'll talk to Zane" Garroth decided." So you'll go? you've been excited about the bird show for weeks"."It depends on Zane." Garroth frowned.Laurence nodded, hoping that Garroth would go to the bird show.Garroth was really struggling with what to do, Zane was his brother and he wanted to be there for him but the bird show in the city wasn't easy to get tickets to he'd had to order them months in advance.Zane going to Garroth for anything let a lone hugs and attention was severely rare so the blonde really didn't want to miss on that, Garroth added to the cons of going to the show in his pro and cons list he was making in his head as he advanced towards Zane's room."Hey baby brother, feeling better?" Garroth asked sitting on the edge of Zane's bed noticing that his little brothers' lamp was now on."Headaches better, gone really but I feel sick...like I may throw up" Zane admitted."Oh so you're sick the headache was normal sickness, not a quiet day sign?" Garroth questioned."I-I don't know Garroth, how am I supposed to tell, I know nothing about quiet days, what they are or why they happen" Zane snapped."S-sorry" Zane mumbled noticing Garroth's forced smile had fallen at the yelling."I mean I feel off like I usually do just with nausea added to the mix" Zane whimpered."Okay that's final then I'm not going to the city tomorrow" Garroth decided."They city?... oh that bird thing, Garroth you have to go you've been annoyingly excited about that for weeks".Zane hated 'quiet days', well the day before and after them, he never remembers them they're just a blur.Despite despising 'quiet days' Zane knew not how to prevent them and although he'd rather not admit it he was struggling to think of how he'd handle it without Garroth there to look after him."Garroth you can't cancel your plans" Zane sighed, sitting up despite the pain it caused in his head."I can't leave you here alone non-verbal and c-" Garroth cut himself off."Clingy, you can call me clingy that's what I am" Zane scoffed."Alright well yes you get clingy and who are you going to cling to...if I'm not here?... Laurence?" Garroth snorted."Travis" Zane smiled, a smile Garroth could see because Zane wasn't wearing his mask."W-What?" Garroth exclaimed, apologising after Zane flinched at the sudden loud sound."Travis, he'll be here yes? he's known for loving hugs" Zane half-joked, Zane would rather hug Travis than Laurence."Are you sure you're okay with me going to the city?" Garroth asked, ignoring Zane's admission to being okay with hugging Travis."Yes Garroth I'm an adult I can handle myself" Zane responded not so sure how true his words were."Okay well you can text me anytime during the day and I'll come right home" Garroth promised, deciding he'd go.Zane woke up with an almost overwhelming feeling of nausea and yet he knew that he wouldn't throw up.The understanding that it was a quiet day resided in the back of Zane's mind yet something felt wrong, off, he didn't usually feel nauseous or a strange tingling sensation in his wrist making it almost impossible for him not to roll his wrist in an attempt to stop the tingling.Forgetting that he wasn't home Zane stumbled towards Garroth's room, opening the door upset Garroth wasn't in there Zane remembered where he was and started to make his way downstairs.The coffee table was covered in all sorts of sweets, including cupcakes.The sofa was covered in fluffy blankets and the nightmare before Christmas was ready to stream off the TV.Zane looked around the room and smiled, a smile that Laurence and Travis could see since he wasn't wearing a mask."Surprise!, Garroth was torn up about leaving you when you aren't feeling like yourself so we promised to spend the day with you" Travis chimed.Travis had been told that Zane wasn't really feeling like himself and was completely non-verbal, so Travis assumed Zane was sick.Zane nodded somehow conveying that he was thanking them.Zane, Laurence, and Travis sat on the sofa a decent length apart with Zane sitting in the middle.Zane wrapped himself into a large white fluffy blanket."Nod when you want me to start the movie" Travis instructed.Zane sat closer to Travis basically attaching himself to Travis's side without a second thought.Travis wasn't exactly sure how to react to Zane's random sign of affection? he wasn't sure.Zane wasn't known to be nice let alone a hugger but Travis allowed Zane to slowly and timidly wrap his arms around Travis' waist, nodding."Ready for the movie to start?" Travis asked looking down at Zane who was hugging him.Zane nodded again and Travis hit the play button, starting the movie.At the boggy man scene, Laurence decided to go make everyone hot chocolate while Zane is distracted by the movie, not that it mattered Laurence wasn't sure Zane even remembered he was there.Zane was very into the movie but every now and then he'd get a look on his face that Laurence could only describe as vacant.Laurence managed to snap a photo of Zane and Travis who were still cuddling, and send it to Garroth with a sinister chuckle."Laurence?" Travis called out."Yeah?""Zane's asleep" Travis explained, turning to look over the sofa so he could see Laurence over the half wall that connected the living room and kitchen, without waking up zane."Oh umm...okay I'll make one less hot chocolate then""Hot chocolate, are there marshmallows?' Travis chimed sounding like a kid on Christmas morning at the idea of marshmallows.Travis moved Zane's arms from around himself, pausing the movie."Actually I think we do I brought them when I was babysitting Caleb last" Laurence chuckled.Travis smiled down at zane, growing when he realised how pale he was looking."How sick is Zane?" Travis wondered noticing that Zane's arm was twitching."Hu?""Well he's sick isn't he that's why he's so cuddly and nonverbal"."Oh umm...yeah no he's not that sick" Laurence responded putting marshmallows in travis's drink.Travis noted that Zane's arm was twitching far more aggressively than before causing Travis to be worried."Laurence!" Travis yelled noticing how Zane's eyes were rolling around without opening.By the time Laurence ran into the living room Zane's entire body was twitching except his right wrist which had stiffened in place at an angle that couldn't have been comfortable."He - he's seizing" Travis yelled."Shit, what do we do?" Laurence asked freaking out."I- I don't know call an ambulance?" Travis ordered having no clue if it was the right thing to do.Garroth stormed into the hospital waiting room in search of Laurence and Travis."Laurence what the hell happened!" Garroth yelled, slightly shoving Laurence who had just stood up."Please don't yell we're in a hospital"."What happened to zane," Garroth asked through gritted teeth and seething rage.Garroth had no idea what was going on other than that Zane was in the hospital."Zane had a seizure... normal he wouldn't be admitted since it's his first one but he somehow managed to hit his head on the table next to the sofa"Travis explained standing between Garroth and Laurence."Is he okay?' Garroth asked concerned instead of mad."Yeah we're allowed to see him we were just waiting for you, apparently Zane should be allowed to leave once the results of a test they did comes through"Laurence explained.Laurence, Travis, and Garroth walked into Zane's hospital room, noticing that he was attached to some sort of IV, with a bandaid on his head."Zane, are you okay?" Garroth asked gaining a mental nod from Zane who was still non-verbal."What's the IV for?" Travis asked Laurence."Dehydration" a woman in a white coat answered walking into the room."Dr V I didn't know you'd transferred here" Garroth exclaimed."Ah yes well I only moved down from the city a few weeks ago and haven't had time to catch up with your mother yet, anyway Zane's head wound has been all stitched up and we're treating the dehydration as you know... now for the troubling part, the testing that we did on Zane after Laurence provided us with the information we needed has confirmed all there of Zane's seizures within the past 24 hours, this along with the information from Laurence about Zane's 'Quiet days' as he'd put them leads me to my theory that the 'quiet days' were days where he was experiencing dissociative seizures, I'd like him to be Brought in here so I can Monitor a 'quiet day' and either confirm or deny my theory" Dr V ordered, before leaving the room to cheek on another patient.Garroth sat on Zane's hospital bed, Zane curling into his side."Heya baby brother, you've had quite the day haven't you".Zane nodded. "He sure did we had sweets, fluffy blankets, and the nightmare before Christmas" Travis smiled sitting on the plastic chair next to Zane's bed."And Zane cuddled Travis" Laurence teased placing his hand on Garroth's shoulder."Yes I saw, you're never gonna live that one down" Garroth chuckled looking down at zane.

Garroth and Zane one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora