26. There's a certain Slant of Light

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Episode eight: There's a certain slant of light

Carriages went past the Dickinson household, one stayed in front as Mr Dickinson came out the door the family following him saying their goodbyes. When everyone had finished say their goodbyes. Mr Dickinson

Emily and Y/n hadn't come outside. Y/n sat inside with Emily at the front desk, Y/n held her hand under the desk rubbing circles on the back of her hand.

Emily and Y/n sat in silence as Emily used her other hand to turn the pages of the book, it had flattened flowers and nature on the pages, she hadn't talked to her father in a few weeks, so why did her family expect her to say goodbye to him.

Y/n sat with Emily because she had requested her to, and Emily was very insistent on keeping Y/n were she sat, anything Y/n moved, Emily would instinctively twist her arm to grab Y/n wrist to keep her there, Emily looked relaxed but was on high alert all week, and Y/n still has yet to know.

The songwriter didn't question it, she just sat their reading the book she had gotten off Emily's shelf "I want to get a dog" Y/n broke the silence after a while.

Emily turned her head to look at the women next to her "why?" Emily asked she loves animals but it was a random thing to say "we should get a dog" Y/n offered looking at Emily her eyes lit up at the throught of a puppy. "Why?" Emily asked again

"Because they are cute" Emily nodded at the explanation she turned back to the book "I think about it" she said and turned the page, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Y/n smiled a bit, she quickly gave Emily a small side hug before going back to the book, she was reading.

The front door opened, Mr Dickinson college walked inside and looked towards the two girls. "I am going" he said, Emily didn't even acknowledge his exsitence. "Aren't you going to wish me goodbye" he said at the two, Y/n turned around and looked at the man "goodbye Mr Dickinson" Y/n said giving him a smile but Emily ignored her father. She let go of Y/n's hand and rested her head on her hand as she continued to scan the pages.

"Aren't you sad I am going?" Mr Dickinson asked looking out at the distance. "No, I am sad because there aare no flowers in winter"

"Well when I get back, all the flowers will have bloomed and you will be happy again" he said with a smile, Emily turned to face him "maybe I won't be here when you get back" she glared at him, her lips pressed in a straight line.

"Where will you go?" He said, there was a bite in the tone of his voice as he walked away, he slammed the door shut as he left.

Emily looked out at the window as everyone said goodbye, she had a serious face on. "What happened?" Emily ignored her as everyone came inside. Y/n got off the seat and walked up to Sue as she put her shawl on the hanger by the front entrance. "The guests will arrive by four right Mrs Dickinson?" Sue asked as Y/n talk at the same time "I will get started on the pudding"

Mrs Dickinson hummed as she walked to the stairs "I'm going to sleep" everyone looked at each other and started panicking Mrs Dickinson was neglecting her housewife duty's, it was the first time ever that that has happened. She wondered upstairs humming and sounded like she was drunk. Then the family panicked about what to do, Lavinia was more concerned about Jane Humphrey coming over and what she would think about the whole situation "we should cancel it?" Y/n said, hooking her arm with Sue's

"You can say that I ate poisonous bark...again" he went a little quiet at the end. Ben walked out of Mr Dickinson's office with a bunch of books piled up in his hands, Everyone was to busy panicking (especially Lavinia who was ranted about how her friends are coming and her parents are basically non existent.)

"Well I'm am going to head off" Ben announced, as Emily immediately jumped in saying that he should say here if he doesn't have any plans. Y/n understands she's only being nice, but Emily can act so much in love with him, whenever he's in the room. But as soon as one person enters when they are alone, she acts as if Y/n doesn't exist. Sue felt Y/n's grip on her arm tighten, her jaw clenched.

"Emily we don't have parents, how are we going to make everything, you can't invite more people" Lavinia hissed in annoyance, as she looked at Ben "no offence" Ben didn't feel offended, see Ben is like that sure he gets hurt by people being mean, but he doesn't get offended as easily as some people would. He ignored the little death glares being shot into his head by the youngest Gilbert sister.

"I can cook" Everyone looked at her in shock "you hate cooking" Lavinia exclaimed "you made up an excuse that you were allergic to flour so you could stay away from making bread" Y/n said, she was then only person who knew about that happening, Sue looked between Emily, Ben and then the jealous swirling in her sister's eyes. Emily invited him to stay as she made up excuses as to why she doesn't cook

Ben agreed to stay and Emily's face broke out, Y/n let out a huff as Sue directed the three into the kitchen to help Emily cook. "oh so you can cook now, can you?"

"I dabble in it"

"Now that's a lie, you don't dabble, you have never dabbled in anything" Y/n huffed out. Emily ignored her sour mood, so Y/n disided to ignore her. Emily picked up the frugal housewife book "If your husband brings home
company when you are unprepared, rennet pudding can be made...at five minutes' notice, provided you keep a piece of calf's rennet ready prepared, soaking". She looked at the book then at Y/n "What's calf's rennet?" She noticed that Y/n wasn't listening to her "Birdy-" she tried to ask her again before Y/n turned to Sue "Sue can you please tell the clueless Dickinson about what calf rennet is?" Sue sighed and cleared her throat, She realised this was just her going to play pass the message, with insults thrown in. "Is this seriously necessary?" she sighed after Emily and Y/n both shouted yes.

"Enzymes scraped from a baby cow's stomach after it's been butchered." Sue explained calmly to Emily, who looked disgusted and just shook her head "Cool. Might just do Indian pudding."

Y/n knew it was silly to ignore Emily, but she didn't care at this point in time she was mad, and Emily wasn't helping the situation.

Ben strolled into the kitchen which just worsened her mood. They fooled around, Emily giggling and Ben trying to take the bowl out of her hands as she resists.

He finally left after booping her nose with the flour. Ben walked out of the kitchen with a spring in his step, Emily was smiling and if you looked closely she was blushing. Sue looked from Emily to Y/n, who kept her head down.

Since Y/n wasn't going to say anything, Sue took things into her own hands "Emily what are you doing?" She asked in a sharp tone "what?" She said the smile not leaving her face, as she wiped the flour off her face.

"Why are you acting like this?" Sue asked as she went back to mixing

"Like what?" She asked confused "Like the frugal little housewife herself." Y/n snapped as She pointed to Y/n as she is correct.

"Maybe I could be a housewife if I tried." Y/n laughed "You?, Em you aren't housewife material" Y/n said, Y/n should have kept her mouth shut but at this point there was no turning back

"I have to do something, Y/n I can't live in my father's house anymore." She said, a few years on her eyes. Sure she hates being a house wife or the thought of it, but she wanted to leave, she need to leave.

"Well, you can't marry Ben." Sue stated as She kneading the dough. "Why not?" Y/n had to admit that hurt. That stung.

"Emily, he's already married." Y/n stated, Emily perched her lips "Right. Of course."

"Where is his wife, anyway? Shouldn't he be spending Christmas with her?" Y/n stated as she moved and put the turkey in the oven.

"I don't know. Maybe she's dead" Emily nonchalantly said shrugging her shoulders "Emily!" Sue snapped at her

"Can we get back to work here? We have to grate a buttload of nutmeg." She said showing the two the bowl she had grated the nutmeg into. Y/n went back to ignoring Emily, angry at the Dickinson girl.

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