Chapter 29

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The morning came quickly and Lavinia raced down stairs, ready to open all the presents, Last time her record was one minute she intends to beat it, she waved to Y/n who was reading on the couch, she turned to look under the tree "Presents!" Lavinia exclaimed as she sat down, picking up the first gift and ripping it open, and then another and soon she was surrounded by wrapping paper and presents. She held the next chapter of her book close to her chest and sighed lovingly. Emily came downstairs staring at her sister, They weren't even all her presents Vinnie just loved the rush if opening presents. "Damn" Emily nodded impressed by how fast all the presents came out of their wrapping. "Total unwrapping achieved" Emily and Vinnie smiled at each other. "Thirty seconds, its a new record" Lavinia stated utterly impressed with herself. 

"Anything good?" Emily asked, Lavinia held up the book insintely "I got the next chapter of bleak house." She said so excited. Emily's eyes lit up "Oh, nice. We'll find out who killed Tulkinghorn" Lavinia's smile dropped as the book and her hands fell on her lap. "Tulkinghorn dies?" She stated outraged at the spoiler "Oops." Emily said lifting her head and looked at Y/n across from them, reading a book Emily took out of her father's study. Lavinia groans, she grabbed something that was further in the tree. "Anyway, Dad got you something." Her sister told her and held out a rolled up cardboard. "You didn't open it?" Y/n asked almost shocked at that, its why she kept Emily's gift with her and didn't put it under the tree, she made the mistake of putting Sue's under there and it is currently under piles of wrapping paper. "He made me promise not to." Lavinia said as Emily took it from her hands, unraveling it, drawn on the paper was a beautiful garden inside a house of sorts. Y/n got up and went to look for Sue's gift under the wrapping paper mess "Vinnie did you see a gift i left for Sue?" Lavinia shook her head as she asked Emily what the drawing was. But Emily didn't even know, Lavinia found a card and handed it to Emily.

She found the present, holding up the box of jewelry for her sister, how she got it she would never tell, but that job at the inn sure helped. Emily looked at from the drawing to Y/n her eyes softened as they land on her smiling face. "Oh Em" She leaned in whispering she had her christmas present, but she will give it to her later. Emily nodded as she watched as Y/n stood up and walked away, her gaze shifted lower to her butt. Oh she had a nice butt. Emily blinked at her thought, of course she thought those things among others indecent ones, but they had been coming to her mind more, a lot more. She shook her head of those thoughts, coughing caught her off guard as she jumped slightly. 

Emily turned to look who caused the noise. "Hell-" a nasty cough came out if the man's mouth "Hello, Dickinson's and Gilbert's." Ben turned his head to his left to look at the Gilbert girl, who was by the stairs, as she checked to see if her present was okay. She gave him a smile. With her talk with Emily last night she is going to be nicer, not that she wasn't but she couldn't keep the jealousy that curled inside her to not try to strike and sink it's fangs into what ever interaction happened between the two.

"Well it's soon to be one Gilbert. Unless you know how to stop a wedding then I am all ears." She laughed, a Ben cracked a smile. "no but in all seriousness if you do, do tell me cause the snake's I want to invade it can't arrive until a month after it" Her face dropped into a deadly serious face. Ben looked coserned but she laughed and it washed away. "I'm kidding." She stated before looking towards Emily who was already looking at her. "What?" She mouthed as she moved closer to the poet. Who just shook her head and rolled her eyes a smiled planted in her lips, before Emily turned back to Ben.

"Merry Christmas." Ben said a smile erruped onto his face at the sight of the Gilbert girl not giving him a look of hatred, she did notice her look all night last night. He turned to face Emily "I forgot my mittens." He held up the mittens tightly gripped in his hands.

"I just came to pick them up." He closed the door, so he didn't let the cold air inside. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand as a cough left his mouth. The two Dickinson girls looked at each other before standing up "that sounds pretty bad." Emily stated whipping her palms on her dress. As Y/n towards Emily, placing a hand on her shoulder blade and leaned forward "I'm going to go find Sue." She whispered, Sue had taken a trip to the shops to get something quickly. Emily had to stop herself from kissing her girlfriend goodbye as she normally in privacy. "okay" she mumbled, "don't get sick." She added quietly before Y/n went to get her coat. "Oh come on you know me better then that" Y/n stated as she opened the door, fixing up her scarf quickly. "Last week you wanted to go in the snow at night because you wanted to see fairies" Emily stated as she arched an eyebrow at the girl, "yeah, yeah whatever." The women rolled her eyes as she walking past Ben who moved a little for her to get past, she shut the door behind her and ventured to find her Sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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