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Angel's guilt has stayed with her for many years. It eats away at her heart and at her soul. She caused so much destruction, so much death. She took the lives of so many innocent people... how could she ever forgive herself?

Angel flees the surface world, searching near and far for a place she can call home... but the one place that seems to call to her is the very place she became what she is now.

She enters the moon pool, the place she hasn't been to for centuries and finds a reason to smile as she looks up at the cave. The moon pool sits inside of a dormant volcano, on an island in the Caribbean. Her home was once one of the nearby islands, up until she was forced out by the Spanish, the people who spoke the devil's tongue.

She doesn't know what year it is, she lost track years ago.

She doesn't know what happened to her people, only the assumption that they were slaughtered years ago.

And so, she makes the moon pool her home. For many years, Angel swims around the island, taking only what she needs to survive and goes back into the pool to sleep. She spends her days in solitude, with all but the ocean animals by her side. She befriends the sea life, but has no one else to truly talk to.

She can bond with the dolphins and swim with the blue whales, protecting the mother and baby as they migrate

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She can bond with the dolphins and swim with the blue whales, protecting the mother and baby as they migrate.

She can free turtles from nets and save jellyfish from an oncoming orca.

But there are no other humanoid creatures within the depths. She has no pod to be part of... but perhaps its for the best. All the pod did was made her a killer, one that used her voice to drown hundreds.

It's been many years since Angel's voice has been heard. She has been silent since the day she drowned the ship, and wishes to remain so for however long she will live.

It is unknown exactly how long mermaids can live for, but the eldest mermaid she had ever met was over 700.

One day, Angel greets the big beautiful blue whale she has been watching over for years, and sees that she has a new little baby by her side. The whale allows Angel to get closer and waves to the calf, who lets out an excited shrill. Angel swims alongside the mother and calf, offering further protection from any potential threats. She has assumed the role of a bodyguard, in a sense. Watching over the sea life and preventing them from harming one another. She swims with the whales further east, where a sense of danger looms as they cross the sea between two giant land masses.

They're not alone... she can feel it.

Angel swims behind the whales, using her powers to create a constantly flowing stream of bubbles. It creates a barrier between them and the outside world. It incapsulates them on all sides, but as she stares through the stream of bubbles, she sees something she hasn't seen in decades.

She sees a human... but one with wings on its ankles and a trident in its hand.

 but one with wings on its ankles and a trident in its hand

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