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As the winter wind was getting bold enough to make everyone feel shiver through skin and bones ,everyone decided to finally make the bone fire beside the temporary Stoll and mat.
While having warm tea and snacks before jumping into the main course.

As the meat on the grill was grilling and both beautiful ladies were sharing their own world conversation and Taehyung and Mr old jeon were joking around with each other about his wife and himself ,Mr old kim sipping his wine while laughing at the others dumb conversation  , jungkook set quite with a soft smile on his beautiful face.

There was something going on inside him watching his whole family being together. He secretly wished to have a family like this forever . He secretly wished to make a home with his partner and grow a family.

A family of his own.

Even though we never talk about it openly about such stuffs but somehow we crave and make some scenarios on our head of how our family's gonna look like. After all we're humans at the end of day . Despite facing physical and emotional disabilities of something we have been facing onto our life - we somehow want something so sweet and warm called home.

Something we will make together by having someone by our side. Something so sweet like growing up together and baking cakes and sipping the warmth of evening sun.

Maybe getting old together will be more fun. Maybe growing up together will be fun. Maybe having babies and beautiful morning beside your forever will be soul pleasuring.

Wait.. Babies?
Jungkook's cheeks burned with a red blush decorating his beautiful feature. The small eye contact's with his husband make it worse making his eyes dropped on his lap, eyes everywhere but on his husband.

The bone fire was illuminating on Taehyung's tan handsome face making him look more handsome than ever.

Taehyung's soft brown hair with a pair of soft black hoodie and matching trouser snuggling on his body. Soft handsome smile with a glass of fruit wine adoring his long boney hand while his left hand was resting on a pillow. Man spreading so deliciously while glancing towards the male infront of him.

Now how can jungkook help himself with that? His husband is too handsome to not make him shy and a blushy baby.

As he was busy with his little not too holy thought's he felt like his hoodie is not helping him with cold so far so exhausted himself from there to change and wear something more warm.

Not noticing a pair of hungry love eyes following him behind.


Jungkook was now on his room, trying to find something while a big frame hovered over him making him flinch.

" did I startled you darling? " taehyung asked teasingly holding Jungkook's hip bone with a pout on his lips looking adorable and sexy at the same time while looking through the mirror.

" no, I didn't that was my ghost who got scared you dumb man " Jungkook backfired making taehyung chuckles .

" seems like your pretty mouth is working too much nowadays.. Hmm .I saw the way you were looking at me like you have something to confess. Does my baby want to say anything to his hyungie?"
And Jungkook was still in his place . His husband noticed him... Fuck. He wasn't eye fucking him to get noticed by the elder. Not at all .

" n-no, what i would have left to say that I didn't said? I got nothing to say or do . I'm cold let me grab something warm "

" warm? Aren't I enough to make you feel hot?why would you ask for something temporary while I'm fully able to make you hot inside and outside at the same time.." the elder make the younger caged on his arm completely while abusing his soft spot and kissing his beautiful neck mole making Jungkook close his eyes on pure bliss.

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