What Makes You Strong

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Hello there, everyone!

I'm gonna be honest, this chapter is a little low quality, (not that I ever write something of good quality lol), it's mostly due to the fact that I checked when was the last time I wrote and it was more than a week ago, and I should've worked on this chapter a WHILE ago, I just couldn't find the time.

But not it's here! And it's trash!

Be sure to roast me in the comments if you agree!

Now, without further ado, let's get to it!


I'll see you in the next one!


It seemed to be a regular morning of training for Ulrich. Three months of intense training, not like he wasn't used to it, the Hunter training was just as, if not tougher. It was due to the fact that his swordsmanship was already perfected. His breathing, however, was far from that.

Still, the Hunter was surprised to hear what Rengoku said. The Total Concentration Breathing was unorthodox in many ways, sure. But that was definitely something out of the ordinary.

"I don't think I heard you right." Said Ulrich. "You want me to slice the target..."

"Without damaging the flower." Seriously said Rengoku.

Ulrich scoffed as he looked around, not believing what he heard.

"You can't be serious."

"I'm afraid I am." Insisted Rengoku. "This will be the last obstacle before you finish your training. Pass this test, and you will be ready for the Final Selection."

Rengoku walked away, ready to leave Ulrich to think about the test right in front of him.

"This is impossible, there's no way I can cut that without destroying the flower in the process. Maybe if I cut from the side-"

"No. You can't." Rengoku interjected. "From the front only."

Ulrich shrugged in disbelief.

"What's the point of all this? I already aced every challenge you threw in my way. I already know how to fight, I developed my own Breathing Style. Why would this make me unable to join the final selection?"

Rengoku calmly made his way to the target. Took his fighting stance, holding firmly his sword. His breathing was sharp and calm, his posture was strong, his footwork was sharp. A flawless demonstration.

Rengoku swung his sword in the direction of the flower, a gust of wind and power from a simple attack.

And the target behind the potted flower slowly fell to the side, perfectly sliced in a upwards slice.

Rengoku performed his signature "ritual" as he sheathed his sword again, releasing his breath, relaxing, going back to his normal self.

"See? It's possible!" He Exclaimed. "The point of all this you asked? Well, it's very simple!"

Rengoku looked straight into his eyes, his hand reached Ulrich's shoulder. Not as a master, but as a friend he wanted Ulrich to heed his message.

"You're a very strong swordsman, Ulrich. One of the best I've known, and trust me, I know a lot!" He laughed. "You're a trained killer, you've been in more fights, killed more enemies than many Demon Slayers! There's no doubt I'm sure you will easily overcome any of the 'regular' tests I could throw your way. So your test is simple, as a trained killer, are you capable of sheathing your sword only to kill and nothing else? Show me that being a destroyer of Demons isn't everything about you!"

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