Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. I sat up and I turned to look out the window. And that's when I saw them. Two red breasted robins sitting on the window sill, chatting away. I smiled big.

I gently opened the window and slowly put my hand outside. They both jumped on my hand and relaxed. They flexed their wings and began chatting again before they tucked their wings in. I noticed a small container on my desk. I opened it, smelled it, and grabbed some of the bird seed in the palm of my other hand. I opened my hand and the birds ate the offered food. I woke my sister up by kicking her bed and calling her name and showed her.

"Wow Twin!" Charlie said. "That's amazing! Can I hold one? Please?"

"Sure. Get some food in your hand first, Twin." I said, pointing at the container.

Soon Charlie had some food in her hand and she held one bird and I held the other. We gently stroked their tiny heads and their wings. When the birds were done eating, they chatted a thank you and flew out the window and flew off towards their nests and their families.

But I kept the window open because of the fresh air that was filling the room. I closed the screen doors on the window so nothing could get in except for the fresh morning air.

As I looked out the window, all I could see was land, a lake, and a forest. The thick palisade surrounded everything.

"It's gorgeous here." I said.

My twin agreed with me as she stood next to me, looking out the window as well.

I drew in a deep breath of fresh air. The smell of pine trees, roses, fresh cut grass, horses, cattle, manure, and other flowers intoxicated me. I felt like I was in heaven. In a way I was in heaven.

I quickly changed into my black and turquoise western wear and brushed my hair. I put the jacket on. I asked my sister to French braid my hair for me and she did. I in turn did the same for her. She also dressed just like me. Minus the jacket. Even though we knew our parents could still tell us apart. But we had a new person to try and fool, Ms Campbell. So we wanted to look exactly alike. We even did our makeup just like the other one. I decided to carry my jacket down the stairs.

We made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Our parents were already up and eating breakfast. We grabbed a plate and a glass of orange juice and sat down, and ate.

"Ok, which one of you is Stevie?" Ms Campbell asked with her hands on her hips and her head tilted to the side.

We pointed at each other as we had a serious look on our faces. Our parents just laughed.

"Ms Campbell, there's a way to tell them apart." Dad said. "Stevie is the elder of the two. She is also the taller of the two."

"Oh." Ms Campbell said. "Well then Stevie, once your family gets back on the road, I will walk you over to the Student Union so you can get your Student picture ID."

"Sounds great, Ms Campbell." I said.

After breakfast, Charlie and I helped clean the kitchen. When we were through, Mom and Dad were waiting by the truck. Everything was packed. I hugged everyone.

Dad pulled out a bank card and handed it to Ms Campbell.

"There's over five million dollars on there. It belongs to Stevie. She earned every bit of it by herself. From competing in the rodeos."

"I will hold on to this for her. It's school policy to hold onto anything over a hundred dollars. Then we issue it out every Monday."

"Thanks Ms Campbell, for taking her in. You won't have any trouble from her."

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