Chapter 9

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After we had the underground bunker ready, we moved the livestock and the horses to one area and the people to another area. We had cots to sleep on, running water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. We had a kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, a common area, classrooms, and etc. It was under the forest so we could get oxygen from the trees.

We stocked up on food and drinks, clothing, bedding, and etc.

It was deep enough and wide enough for us to practice, compete, and have classes. It looked like a huge underground caverns. The base commander has said that classes were back on and that the Stillwater Equestrian Academy competitions were back on as well. All the other things were still going on above ground. But us kids were told to stay underground and out of sight. We were glad to be practicing again. We were glad that the school students were competing again. It made it seem as if things were back to normal again.

Dad finally made it here. He brought men and women who were well versed in military warfare from Fort Wayne, Fort Dryker, Fort Briscoe, and Fort Saint James. They brought their own weapons, which were weapons from the Civil War era. They looked pretty cool. They had some people who could make bullets. So we were all set again.

Dad came down in the underground bunker. He hugged Mom and then me. We were back together again. He even brought my twenty year old brother, Christopher whom I haven't seen since last Christmas. But here he was. He hugged Mom, Dad, Grandma, and me.

"Hey Sport, I heard about how you're doing here at Stillwater Equestrian Academy." Chris said. "I'm proud of you, Sport. And congratulations."

"Thanks Tank." I said.

I called him tank because he plays American football. He plays with the Dallas Cowboys. He also was built like a tank. All muscle, brute force and strength, and the fact that he weighed in at two hundred and twenty five pounds. He was a force to be reckoned with.

"Hey Tank, I've seen every one of your games. You look good out there on the field, Bro."

"I know I do, Sport." He brushed his hair back out of his face, his chin was high, and he had a smug look on his face. "I know I do." He polished his knuckles on his shirt a couple of times. And then he breathed on them.

He hugged me again and then he went his own way.

I went to find Maddie. I found her at the roller skating rink. She was practicing her routine she put together for her trick riding. Over the last month she had gotten so good, that I had a tough competitor to deal with. But I was happy to have her as a tough competitor. She was pushing me to be on my toes even more. To push up my game even more. Making me practice even more.

Then it was my turn. I started out skating backwards, then I did a spin that went into a sit spin and then into a standing spin that went into a lay back spin. I then did some arial cartwheels followed by a couple backflips, a couple front flips, a few side flips, a ballet spin, a back kick, side kick, a layout spin, and a few somersaults. I performed a dance through as well. I finished my routine with a knee spin. I threw my hands up in the air. People cheered and clapped for Maddie and me.

We hugged each other and congratulated each other. Then we decided to go and practice our routines on our horses. But Maddie did her trick riding and I did my barrel racing. And then we switched. And after that we decided to practice our walk, our makeup, our hair, and our nails. Then I taught her how to make her own costume. Then I made my own costume.

It was getting close to the Stillwater Equestrian Academy Rodeo Pageant. And so when it came time for Maddie to do her horsemanship, she pulled it off without a hitch. Then it was my turn. I also pulled it off without a hitch. Then the other girls had their turn. Then it came time for Maddie to do her trick riding. Again she passed with flying colors. Then it was my turn. I also passed. And then Maddie did her dressage followed by her barrel racing on me. She passed it all. Then it was my turn with dressage followed by barrel racing. I also passed

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