Chapter 20

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Day Of The Rodeo

We were at the starting point of the parade. First it was the Houston Drill Team, followed by Houston High School Marching Band, the Houston Girl Scouts, then some vehicles with people who threw candy, coins, and trinkets from them, and then some floats with people who threw candy, coins, and trinkets from them. Then it was the Alaskan Color Guard, Pennsylvania Color Guard, Mount Vernon Drill Team, more vehicles and floats. The Houston Boy Scouts, Wyoming Drill Team, Florida Color Guard, Georgia Drill Team, Kansas Color Guard, and the Washington Color Guard, cattle, clowns, and horses.

Finally we came into view. It was because they wanted to save the best for last. So they said. My team, led by Maddie, did the routine while I was last.

My band and me stood on a float. It was beautiful. It was made of sheet music with the music notes. We played our music and I sang my country songs and my Christian songs. My bodyguards walked beside, in front, and in back of the float to make sure nobody tried to climb up to me.

But then I saw some zombies trying to sneak up behind people. I grabbed a handful of the EpiPens, jumped off the float, and attacked the zombies. I thrust the device into the necks. They fell down, convulsed, and stood back up. They looked down at themselves. Then they looked at me with questioning looks on their faces.

"Y'all were zombies. But not any more. Thanks to the cure slash vaccine. Y'all are now immune to the Zombie Virus."

I ran, jumped, and dove onto the float. I picked up my guitar and began to play and sing again.

We made it to the rodeo grounds and I jumped down. I ran, vaulted, and landed in the saddle of Boomer. We did our routine all the way into the arena where an obstacle course was set up. While our horses made their way through the obstacle course, we did our routine. We did the flag, the mill, the scissors, arial cartwheels, arial backflips, arial splits, arial handsprings, knee spins, head spins, arial side flips, arial somersaults, lay back spins, standing spins, sit spins, neck hang, hiding Indian, tail drag, shoulder hang, death drag, gymnastic vaults, arial frontflips, dance throughs, and etc.

Cameras flashed, people screamed with excitement. Soon we made it back out of the gate. Then the announcer spoke.

"I want the following parade participants to come to the center of the arena. The cactus float from Arizona, Stillwater Color Guard from Stillwater Oklahoma, and the musical float with Stevie King on board, from Stillwater Equestrian Academy, Stillwater Oklahoma."

We three made it into the middle of the arena and waited for the announcer to speak again.

"In third place is the Cactus float from Arizona.

"In second place is the is the musical float from Stillwater Equestrian Academy.

"And in first place is the Stillwater Color Guard from Stillwater Oklahoma.

"Congratulations to our winners. Please go to the check in table and pick up your awards."

The people cheered as we all left the arena. We made it to the table and told them who we were. We then got our awards and rings. Plus checks for five thousand dollars each.

I then went behind the mobile home and flashed into Firestorm. Maddie tacked me, climbed up into the saddle, and rode me to the gate. The saddle bronc busting was going on. Then the bare back bronc busting took place. And then the barrel racing. One by one, they took their turns. Then finally it was Maddie's turn.

"And finally, next up is Maddie Davis from Stillwater Equestrian Academy, riding Firestorm." The announcer spoke out again.

The audience cheered. And that was my cue to go. I ran over the threshold and thundered down the middle of the arena. I dashed around the first barrel on the right, with lightning speed. I dashed around the second barrel on the left, with lightning speed. I then dashed around the third barrel in the middle, with lightning speed. I then stormed back up towards the gate. I thundered over the threshold and we waited for the times to be announced.

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