Chapter 4

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I waited for my turn. I was nervous but also excited as well. I worked hard all week on my history paper. I polished it and included some pictures as per request by Mr Scott. I knew I would be last so it was a long hour. Half the kids gave theirs Friday. The other half of the kids gave theirs on Monday.

"Miss King, will you please grace us with your paper?" Mr Scott asked.

I swallowed hard and walked up to the front. I turned around and faced the students. I blew air out of my mouth.

Just then Mr Scott's phone rang. He answered it and quickly hung up.

"Miss King, get your things together and head over to the doctor's office. Dr Stevens is waiting for you. It's about your blood work."

I sighed a relief, grabbed my backpack and ran out of the room. I made my way out of the history building and then over to the doctor's office.

I was worried about my blood work. No doctor asks a person to get to his or her office so quickly if everything was ok.

"You may go straight back." Nurse Jackie said.

That made me even more nervous and worried. So I ran straight back to Barbara's office. I knocked once.

"Come in, Stevie!"

I opened the door and entered the room. I closed the door behind me and sat down opposite Barbara. I fidgeted in the chair.

"Stevie, it turns out, you are immune to the Zombie Virus. Come over here please." She patted the seat next to her.

I sat down in the chair and faced her computer.
There on the screen was something I didn't know or understand. She pointed at the live screen.

"Stevie, I've been working on a project for the last couple of months."

She pointed at the image on the left. "I took a drop of your blood and yes, you're carrying some of the virus. But I tried a drop of rattlesnake antivenin but the virus knew something was wrong and stayed away from your white blood cells.

She pointed at the image on the right. "Then I used another drop of your blood. I added some bee antivenom and something wonderful happened. Your white blood cells took on the oval shape and they puffed up into supercells. They totally destroy the Zombie Virus. Your white blood cells strip the virus of the outer casing and the prongs, which causes you to have too much energy. The cells then eat the virus. The outer casing and the prongs break down and is absorbed as energy food. That's why you can't sit still for too long. And that explains the restlessness.

"But there's more. You have a different virus. As you can see there's several things that set this virus apart. I will break it down for you.

"One, your blood is clear. You already know that.

"Two, there's pastel colors swirling around in your blood. You already know that.

"Three, there's fire striking your nerves. Well, the ends of your nerves. Your blood lights up like a Christmas tree. So I was wondering about what you think about naming it the Christmas Fire Virus."

"Sounds great, Barbara. So now what?"

"I want to inject the bee antivenom into you one time, wait three days, and then test your blood again. Plus, I want to see you run for an hour and take some more blood. Then I want to take your blood every fifteen minutes; fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, forty five minutes, and one hour. Ok?"

"Sounds great. But Barbara, there's something else you need to know about me. I'm a shape shifter. I can transform into my horse persona. A beautiful breed known as a quarter horse. My horse name is Firestorm. I stand seventeen point nine hands tall at the shoulders. I'm not a draft horse. I'm a rodeo horse. In my foal stage, I'm a comforter. In my adult stage, I'm a warrior horse."

Stillwater Equestrian Academy Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora