Chapter 7

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I ran out of the house and ran. I just ran. I was so mad that my twin sister was kidnapped and murdered. I ran into the forest and flashed into Firestorm. I ran to the river, flashed again, and dropped to my knees. I wept uncontrollably. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I hit the ground with my fists. Then I just cried. I sat there for an hour thinking about my sister and tossing rocks into the lake. I watched them skip across the water. Then I just screamed at the top of my lungs and then I cried again. I had no more tears to shed. Besides, I was tired of crying.

When I was ready, I made my way back to the house where Maddie and Ms Campbell were sitting on the porch, waiting for me. I slowly walked up to them, not wanting to talk to anyone. I just wanted to go up to my room and be alone for awhile.

"I'm sorry for running out on y'all like I did." I said. "But I have gotten some really rotten news. My twin sister was kidnapped and murdered. My family wants to come and pick me up for the funeral. I told them ok."

"Go ahead." Ms Campbell said. "It's a family emergency. But take your homework with you. And I am sorry for your loss."

"Thanks. I will. I better go and pack for four days. They'll be here in two hours if not sooner. Can Maddie go with me? It'll make me feel better if she can."

"Sure Stevie."

"Thanks, Ms Campbell."

Maddie and me ran upstairs to pack. I picked up my phone and called my parents.

"Hi Honey." Dad said.

"Dad, is it alright if my other best friend comes with us? It'll make me feel better."

"Sure. But on the way, she needs to call her parents."

"Ok Dad. I'll let her know. And thanks."

"You're welcome, Honey."

We hung up and I turned to face Maddie. I pointed at her.

"Maddie, my Dad said you can come. But you have to call your parents and ask them if it's ok."

"You got it, Stevie. And thanks."

"You're welcome, My Friend."

Maddie called her parents and asked if she could go with me. They told her, it was up to the school to let her go or not.

We finished packing and headed down the stairs and outside. We sat there and waited. But we only had to wait fifteen minutes. The truck pulled up and my Dad put out bags in the back. Maddie and me climbed in.

"Hey Mom, this is my best friend, Maddie."

"Hi Maddie." Mom said.

"Hi, Mrs King." Maddie said.

My Dad climbed in. "Hey Dad, this is my best friend, Maddie."

"Hi Maddie." Dad said.

"Hi, Mr King."

"So what happened to Charlie?" I asked.

"I dropped her off at the bus stop." Dad said. "She never made it to school.

"Witnesses said they saw her being kidnapped into the back of a black Ford Focus. A couple hours later, the police found her body in a dumpster, naked. She had been sexually assaulted.

"Your mother and I were called down to the police station to identify her. And sure enough, it was your sister.

"We're thankful that you're at Stillwater Equestrian Academy where you're safe. Or we would've lost you too."

"Thanks Dad, for allowing me to attend this school."

"You're welcome, Honey."

We sat in silence the rest of the ride home. When we got home, I showed Maddie my room. I offered her the bed while I took the floor. But she refused the bed.

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