Chapter 19

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Four Days Until The Rodeo

We walked through the mall and looked around and I found a pair of chaps that matched my new outfit. I bought it. I went to another store and found a set of rings that were sterling silver rings. They were of cowboys and cowgirls on horses carrying flags, knives, pistols, rifles, ropes and poi. I just knew I had to buy them. And so, I did. They were packed in small black boxes and put in bags. I took the bags and headed out to find the others.

I found them at the Chuck Wagon Bar And Grill. A new restaurant with food and live country music. I ordered a steak meal, sat down, and ate. I then threw my trash away. I then called for silence.

"Alright team, I've something for y'all. And I know y'all will like it."

I then handed the boxes to my team members.
"Don't open them just yet." I took the last one. "Ok Stillwater Color Guard, what's in the boxes is for y'all and for me as a team. Please don't leave home without them. Y'all may open them."

As they opened their gifts, I heard a lot of aws and oos. Then I opened mine and put it on my finger as they put their's on one of their fingers.

"Yay!" They all said. "Thanks Stevie. Now we really feel like a team!"

"Y'all are welcome. " I said.

We sat and listened to the country music for an hour. Then we headed back to the hotel. Once there, we went back to our rooms. I hung my new chaps up with my new outfit for the first night at the rodeo. I then listened to my country music CD while I took a nap before we headed out to the Sam Houston County Fair. The people in charge figured that since the rodeo was in town, that they should have the fair.

We rode the rides and played the games. We ate the food and then we did it all over again. We had a great time that day. It was a day to rest and relax before the big day. But then we needed a day to fully relax and get some rest.
Three Days Until The Rodeo.

I was in my dressing room changing into a soft brown western outfit. It had sunflowers on it. The boots and the Stetson matched.

My Dad slash manager came in. "Stevie, five minutes until showtime."

"Ok Dad." I said.

He walked with me and my bodyguards. "Okay Honey, we need a great performance this morning in order for people to come in, get vaccinated, and buy the products. The more country the better. The louder the better. Ok, Honey."

"Yep Dad, I understand." I gave him two thumbs up and smiled. "More country. Louder music."

"Good. We're counting on you today. Now, good luck out there." He kissed my forehead.

"Thanks Dad."

We made it back stage and waited for the announcer to speak. The lights turned down and the audience settled down in order to hear. There was a sudden silence that filled the entire building.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls." The announcer spoke. "The world renown and the newest country music sensation, Stevie King."

The audience went wild as I walked out on stage. I strolled over to the microphone and picked up my guitar. My band and I began playing, I Was Country.

"Hey Houston, did y'all get vaccinated yet?"

Everyone screamed with joy.

"Great." I began to sing. Then I went into, Houston Here I Come, Houston By Afternoon, Rodeo, Rhinestone Cowgirl, Memories Of My Heart, Haunted Garden, Diamond Rose, Country Is What I Am, and etc.

A fan climbed up onto the stage and tried to kiss me. My bodyguards pulled him down and I continued to sing.

All of a sudden a woman screamed in the lobby. Then she yelled zombie. I put my guitar down, jumped off the stage, and ran out into the lobby. Barbara threw a couple of EpiPens to me. I caught them and thrust one in the neck of the female zombie. I then jumped up in the air, twisted around to escape the arms of the male zombie and thrust the EpiPen into his neck. I did the same for the other five zombies.

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