Chapter 13

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Two days until the Sherman Texas Rodeo Roundup. We were nervous as heck. We practiced in our new building. It felt great having our own building to practice in for the first time.

I was sitting at my desk and looking out the window, thinking. When an idea hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't wait to bring the idea to Coach Scott's attention.

"Why not?" I said to myself. "It won't hurt anybody. It'll only do more good than anything else. Plus it'll boost morale even more."

Coach came in and sat down at his own desk. "Stevie, what do you have planned for this afternoon? Please enlighten me."

"Well Coach, I was just sitting here thinking about that very thing. And I think I know the answer to that question. I was just wondering about getting on my laptop here and pulling up the pictures of the Stillwater Color Guard. Then I thought about putting together a color brochure of the color guard, complete with pictures and info. Then I thought about us doing a fundraiser for the school that'll let people know about the new color guard course that could lead to a professional job across America in the world of the rodeo. Wherever we go across the country, we can do a fundraiser to raise awareness.

"Um, I also thought about having the Stillwater Color Guard do something totally different for the fundraiser. And that's to make wooden belt buckles. With all of us working together, we can get it done. What do you think about that, Coach?"

"I think those are great ideas, Stevie. But, there's no time to do the belt buckles."

"Sir, we have sixty color guard students. We can do it and get it done in one day. Twenty four hours is all we need."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. I'm sure."

"Do it, Stevie."

So I went to work in finding the best pictures for the brochures. Once I did find the right ones and did a layout of the pictures. Then I added the text to each page. Then I found the best picture for the front cover and then one for the back cover.

The US Army was no longer in service, so we took their motto. BE ALL YOU CAN BE! Was on the front cover.

"Coach, what do you think about this?"

I moved out of the way so Coach Scott could come and check it out. He came over to me and he flipped through the pages of the brochure on the screen and read the text. Then he looked through the pictures.

"That's perfect, Stevie." Coach said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Do it. But also add details how we have the cure slash vaccine for the Zombie Virus."

I pointed at him. "That's a great idea Coach. Why not? That'll draw people to the rodeo."

I printed a copy for me, a copy for Coach Scott, a copy for Ms Campbell, and a copy for Base Commander Allen Jones.

I called a meeting and had all four of us look through the brochure and then see what everyone thought about it. And to my amazement, they were all on board with the new brochure. Plus, the announcement about the cure slash vaccine for the Zombie Virus.

"Yay!" I said. I bounced around with joy and excitement.

So I went back to my office and printed a lot of the brochures out for Sherman Texas. Then I called my team together and had them go over the brochure. It turned out they all loved it. So we were all aboard with it. I handed a copy to each of my team members. Then while I still had their attention, I spoke my mind.

"Alright everyone, please listen up. I have another idea I wanna bring to y'all's attention. This is what I've been thinking about, for a fundraiser. We all get together and make wooden belt buckles.

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