Prologue: Welcome to Raccoon City

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"Miss....?Miss!" My thoughts disperse as I'm handed my bag. I feel the heat spread to my neck, as my free hand quickly snags the scarf away.

"Oh, uhm....thank you." Gently she guides me through the exit, my feet carry me towards the lobby. As I walk, my saliva gathers trying to subdue the cotton mouth developing. Bathroom. I'll go to the bathroom. The AC isn't enough, I feel my body heat increase, it's like I'm in a sauna. The water pours out of the motion activated sink, my worries leave as my scarf dampens from the water scattered along the sink. My hand cups the water, as I freely splash it against my face. 

Silence fills the bathroom, making a notice since airport restrooms are usually busy. I use my sweater sleeves to wipe away excess water. My suitcase drags behind me, as the noise starts to fill my ears. I exit the restroom to see---someone running. Someone running? People running--crowds and crowds of people running. Oh my god!

"Hey! Hey!" My hands grab onto an older man. "What's happening?!"

"They're eating people!?" He tries to rip away, as my brows furrow.

"Who's eating people!?" Another person bumps into the man, letting him free from my grasp.

My head turns as I watch a woman get trampled, I run over to help as another man bites into her shoulder. The blood, nerves, veins---god they went everywhere. I grab my suitcase and start running, seeing the other pale skinned, white eyed p-people start chasing me down. My body dodges an arm flying over my head, I let go of my suitcase allowing it to trip the monster. As I find the entrance to the airport, a body flies tackling the younger woman beside me, shattering the glass beside the door.

Get out.

Get out.

My priority is to get out, use the distraction and use the chance to leave. Out on the road I watch a fire brew from an accident that must've happened seconds before. As cars crashing into one another continue, the noise running a few blocks down. One car is speeding down the road, my legs pick up, chasing before it can fully exit. I shout and flail my arms, hoping that I'll either get saved, or die by a car accident instead of being eaten alive. 

"Stop! Please!" As their speed stays the same, I close my eyes. Let my death be quick, please. Let it be--

A car honk, makes my eyes snap open, the young woman lowers her window.

"Come on!!!" Her hand forcefully telling me what to do. "Fuck fuck!" She rolls her window up, as I pull her front passenger door open. I slide myself inside the car, as her window closes before the rotting man can get to her. 

"Thank you, thank you." My body slams tot he car seat as the speed increases in a short time. As I pull the seatbelt, it tugs back from the quick movement. The woman turns violently, making me focused on buckling up. "What the hell is happening?" I reach for the dash, trying my best to steady myself.

"I don't know, it just happened?!" She looks over at me, making my eyes follow. Oh god, blood---there's blood on me. "Are you!? Are you fucking bitten!?" 

"What? What do you mean bitten!?" I examine the blood, not being able to find anything. "I just ran through a mass-killing do you think I would be spotless!?"

"Fuck, you're gonna turn into one of them---you're...." My eyes watch as she notices, I am unable to find anything. "We will go to Raccoon City, and get help."

"God, how is this happening? I left for an internship, and came back to this." As the sun goes down, I take off my sweater, tossing it in the back.

"If you are bitten get in the back." My head snaps towards her. "If you don't, I will drop you off right here." We just entered the highway, and she would let me walk....she's insane. "Pick option one, or two."

"One." For a single moment I doubted the choice, but I wasn't fit to walk all the way, definitely not today. Basically I tossed myself in the back, I winced, seeing more blood escape from my arm. As I hide behind the seat, I spot an opened wound, unable to tell if I'm actually bit. The silence worries me, as I see a knife in the cup holder.

Don't make it obvious.

I try to relax, laying back into the seat. I check outside the window, dead street, dead night, dead everything. How did this start? How did this happen? This stuff happens during movies, an outbreak like this, it must've been rapid. Something must've been human-made, a sickness natural wouldn't cause this type of reaction. You would have to play with something to make it this developed. To have it spread this quick, it cannot be just a bite--or skin contact. It couldn't be transferred by air either, or we'll all be infected.

My body jerks forward, feeling a bit choked by the seatbelt. I cough, and rub my throat seeing cars pilled up. The woman looks back at me, then back at the road.

"Glad you aren't dead back there." I watch a big green sign pass us by.

Welcome to Raccoon City.

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