Chapter Twenty-Three: The Worst is Yet to Come

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A brown bag is placed down in front of me, excitedly I smile ripping open the mystery meal. A cheeseburger, fries, and a soda. This was better than I expected, thank god it isn't hospital food. As I unwrap my burger, one man stands and watches me prepare to eat the meal. The uncomfortable staring, is making me feel awkward and unsafe.

"Two questions." Breaking the silence, I remove my hands from the burger.

"Ask away." He answers.

"One. Can I be alone while I eat this?" He nods.

"Second?" He asks, he hand on the doorknob. 

"Am I allowed to see Leon or Sherry anytime soon?" Slightly opening the door, his footing staggers.

"That I cannot confirm." Pushing my lips together, I accept the answer. He excuses himself and exits the room.

Taking my first bite of my burger, my mouth waters tasting the patty and cheese. Quickly I wash it down with club soda, the carbonation being something I didn't know I missed. Grabbing a napkin to wipe away the grease, my mind starts picking apart the situation again, unable to focus on anything else.

That man is probably standing outside the door, making sure I don't try to leave or visit Leon. When I discharge from the hospital, they will escort me to their government training base. I can't leave from here, but possibly from the base. Being at the base they'll feel like they have won, since they successfully completed their task to get me, the environment will be confident and secure.

I have to time and plan this right, if I fuck up....I'll be an experiment with no remorse for how they will treat me. Finishing my fries, a nurse pops in, the man peeking to see how I'm doing on my meal. 

"Here are the pills." She nicely places them down in a paper cup. "Would you like water with them?"

"No, I have soda, it'll be enough. Thank you." Giving a fake smile, I receive one back, probably because I can tell she has have over an 8 hour shift.

"No problem." She excuses herself, blocking the view of the man. The door closes, I quickly grab the pills, examining them.

The capsule is a standard pill, nothing funny or weird about it. I guess they really gave me painkillers for my wounds. Dry swallowing the pill, I chase it down with my food, finishing up on the unhealthy first meal since the incident. The man returns to my room, opening up the door but not stepping in.

"Your shower is ready." I nod, standing up, wiping away the crumbs. "At daylight, we will be transferring you to the D.S.O quarters." Face to face with him, he stands tall, not breaking his professionalism.

"Sounds good." Talking in a neutral response will confused them, get them off any suspicion they have about me.

Following along the hall, he was close behind me, I felt like a dog being walked outside to use the restroom. Turning back I wanted to check if I was going the right way, pointing my hand, nudging my head. God, it was so awkward, when finding the bathroom I was relieved. Before entering he stopped me, checking inside to see if anyone was there first.

"Enjoy." He states dry, he opens the door for me. "Clean clothes are on your right."

"Okay...." Unknowing how to respond the door shuts behind me. 

The pressure of the water gives me joy, I turn it all they way, the hottest it can go. Taking off my shirt, it was a struggle since it was a size too small. Sliding off my pants, it felt nice to leave behind the remains of Raccoon City. Walking into the shower, the water hits my body, it might be me overreacting but I was basically reborn. The steam flowing off the top, sneaking away from the shower curtain, incubating in this cubicle. 

Red splashed down onto the floor, brown and black following with it. The grime and disgusting texture sliding off me. Washing my hair, the fresh smell of a generic shampoo and conditioner was better than sweat and blood. For this opportunity of silence and being alone, I attempt to extend the shower, although it failed hearing the knocks at the bathroom door telling me to hurry up. If I'm annoyed this early on, might as well leave as soon as possible so I don't have to endure this any longer. 

Stepping out the shower, the soft towel dries up any drop left. I pick up the shirt, it was a dark brown, long sleeve. Sliding it over my head, it soothes my body from being cold, the pants were the same color, and the same material. Aggressively shaking the towel onto my hair, the man knocks again. Grunting in annoyance I throw down the towel, accepting my hair as it is. Angrily opening the door, it pushes wind against me from the sudden speed.

"It's time for you to get some rest." He states.

"I was drying my hair, am I on a timer?" A sarcastic response escapes my lips, ignoring the true intention of my words.

"To my superiors, yes." Extending his arm, he points to the hall, allowing me to lead the way once more.

Shuffling my feet, my head turns left to right, maybe I would get a glimpse of Leon or Sherry. It's night, so every room is closed, the windows being covered by curtains.  I started to wish I didn't go to a police station, this wouldn't have been brought to the public if I hanged low. My next moves out of here have to be calculated, if I gain anymore suspicion they'll know I'm up to something. 

Approaching the door I walk in towards the bed, everything was cleaned and nicely set up. Turning around he nods, standing beside the door as he slowly closes it.

"Have a good night, Ms. L/N." He excuses himself, to sound chipper I add in some normal small-talk.

"To you ass well." Grabbing the tv remote I place myself on the bed, turning on the television the news was automatically on.

The news was covering Raccoon City, not disclosing what was there or the experiments that took place. Waiting for an estimate on people that are tragically gone, it felt numb with what they were stating. It was fake, emotions are calm like it was another day, another broadcast. Leon and I felt like a pawn in all of this, lucky survivors who are forced into a lifestyle because we proved worthy for the government.

I just wanna go home, see if any of my family or friends are alive. The information about all of this before it went to shit. I can't even feel myself upset anymore, no more tears are left. I'm numb. It'll probably hit me hard sooner or later but I feel guilty. Am I still in shock? 

Trailing my eyes towards the clock, it was late morning. I should sleep, turning off the tv, the room was pitch black. Lightly closing my eyes, my breathing subsides, this will be the last time I can have peace before they take me in. 

The entire night I kept waking up, either not feeling comfortable enough or having constant stressful dreams. Raccoon City haunting my mind, the realization started to sink in. Tossing and turning, I was cold then hot and cold again. I just want to go back to school, see my family, be stressed about exams. I'm so tired.

The door opens aggressively, the light pouring from the window.

"Ms. L/N." Opening my eyes towards the window, birds are flying by, chirping happily. Refusing to answer, I take in the last moments.

"It's time."


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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