Chapter Eleven: Truth

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"Don't move." An unknown voice states, glancing over at Leon, I spot his arms up. 

"I'm not going to hurt you--" Leon says calmly, as the barrel of the gun inches closer towards his head.

"I said DON'T MOVE!" The man yells, Ada walks around the pillar. To follow her movements, I do the same, making sure the wood doesn't creak under me.

"I'm just passing through. I'm going to ask you to lower that weapon." As my body reaches towards Leon, his eye notices me.

"Like hell you are." The mans anger grows, his finger holding tight on the trigger. "You're going to turn around, and go right out the way you came in." I stop, seeing the wall end, to sneak in, I have to do it quick. A light exhale is heard from a far.

"I think your daughter needs help, sir." The man cocks the gun, I flinch from the sound.

"Don't tell me how to deal with my daughter." He responds, his teeth locked. I turn around the wall, aiming my pistol across Leon's left shoulder. Our guns almost intersecting with one another.

"No harm no foul." My voice hoarse, he aims the barrel at me, then back to Leon. 

"Drop it." Ada finally reveals herself, aiming his pistol at the man. His mutated daughter steps out into the light, making her target change. Leon shifts his position allowing me to move, as he also pulls out his weapon.

"No! Wait!" The man shouts. He moves in front of his daughter, his hand extended outwards.

"Step aside. We need to terminate her before she turns." Leon looks at me, his eyes spotting the bite mark on my arm. Putting away my pistol, I walk over towards the man.

"Terminate!? That's my fucking daughter." The man aims his barrel at me.

"We will leave you alone, okay? You're trying to protect her, like I said no harm no foul." My hands raise, showing myself unarmed.

"Ada, just let them be." Leon asks calmly, Ada unwillingly drops her firearm.

My gaze is on the little girl, how the mutation forms on the body. Her skin is pigmented with different colors. The dullness of her face, making my stomach uneasy. Her right eye is white, while the other is the natural brown color she has. Her body was decaying from the outside, the colors fading from her hair. Is this how the progression works? Will I be undead before fully turning?

"Emma, sweetheart, I told you to stay put." The man says, his anger dissipating.

"Daddy...?" She mumbles.

"Yeah, Emmie. Daddy's here, ok?" He drops his weapon and rushes over to his daughter, kneeling beside her. Her eyes staring into nothingness, as the father begs for any eye contact. "Those fuckin' things outside...Look what they did to us." I look away from the sight, my mind cannot bare it anymore, flooding questions and horrible thoughts are clouding my judgement. "You're a cop, you're supposed to know something--how did this happen? HUH!?"

The little girl her mind is lost, she won't look at anybody. Not her father, not Leon, not Ada, not even me. She has no understanding of what's happening around her anymore, no understanding of what is happening to her. I don't wanna end like this, I can see myself mutated this way. Turning my head, I stare at the rocks on the ground, mentally preparing myself for a break down.

"Mommy...?" The girl mumbles.

"Mommy's sleeping, honey." The father breaks down, tears unable to be held back any longer. "And, I'm goin to put you to be too....okay?" He grabs his gun, while picking up his daughter. Before closing the door, he stops, giving us one last glance. "Just go, give us some privacy." The door slams, making my body jump.

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