4┊: One Chicken to little

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The woman sat down after everyone had been sorted, I found out her name was Professor Mcgonagall thanks to Hermione, she clinked her cup with her spoon "Your attention, please" She said "Let the feast begin" Dumbledore said as he stood up and spread his arms, food appeared on every tray down the table, plates and utensils appeared, people gasped in delight, there was chicken and corn near me. I served myself food and began to eat, it was chicken, corn and mash potatoes with gravy, Ron had one chicken leg in each hand as he took a bite out of the one in his right hand, "I'm half and half, Me dad's a Muggle, Mum's a witch, bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out" A Boy next to Neville said.

Harry had moved next to me since no plate appeared where he had previously been sitting "Say, Percy who's the teacher talking to Professor Quirrell" Harry asked the prefect, he was the only one wearing a hat which was pointy may I add, Harry pointed at the man he was asking about, I looked and saw the man decked out in all black clothing and his hair was also black "Oh, that's Professor Snape head of Slytherin house" Percy said "What's he teach" Harry asked "Potions, but everyone knows, it's the Dark Arts he fancies, he's been after Quirrell's job for years" Percy said, he continued eating, Ron had finished one of his chicken legs and was going for another when a white see through head appeared making us all jump "Hello, how are you...Welcome to Gryffindor" The Ghost said to Ron.

Then I heard swishing up above and saw more ghosts flying overhead, one was in a dress and another came from the floor, one had a ghost sword and was attacking the food on the Slytherin table "Look, it's the Bloody Baron" A girl from the Slytherins said. "Hello, Sir Nicholas, have a nice summer" Percy asked "Dismal, once again my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied" The Ghost said and began to float away, Ron looked at him as he floated away "I know you, you're Nearly Headless Nick" Ron said "I prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind" Sir Nicholas said "Nearly headless, how can you be nearly headless" Hermione asked, Harry looked at her and rolled his eyes, "Like this" Sir Nicholas said, he grabbed the top of his head and almost pulled it off earning a yell from Ron, Hermione closed her eyes looking away disgusted, Sir Nicholas put his head back and floated away.

After the feast was over the Gryffindors and the rest of the students were being led to their dormitories, I was not gonna sleep with them but with my Dad in his room since there would be two beds, but mostly because I was not a student yet, "Gryffindors, follow me please, keep up, thank you" Percy said turning the corner to the left "Ravenclaw, follow me, this way" The Ravenclaw prefect said turning the corner to the right, I saw we were near a stair cases, the students were in awe "This is the most direct path to the dormitories, Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change" Percy said, I looked above and saw them moving directions "Keep up, please, and follow me, quickly now, come on, come on" Percy said going up stairs and we followed, there were multiple frames with pictures on them.

"That picture's moving" Neville said "Look at that one, I think she fancies you"Another boy said "Oh, Look, Look" Another boy said "Who's that girl" Another boy asked as a picture of a woman in a white dress curtsied at him, "Welcome to Hogwarts" One of the pictures said. We kept going and went onto a torch lit landing, we turned a corner and walked up to a painting of a lady with a pink dress, "Password"The Woman asked "Caput Draconis" Percy said, the woman stretched out her arm in a greeting manner and the frame moved revealing an opening.

"Follow me, everyone, keep up, quickly come on" Percy said as he walked in and we followed behind him. The dormitory was mostly the color red and had a chandlier on the top, there was many lamps and chairs and tables, there was a sofa in front of a fireplace that was lit "Gather around here" Percy said as the students pilled in "Welcome to the Gryffindor common room, boys dormitory is upstairs and down to your left, Girls, the same on your right" Percy said, there was an opening in the wall with a staircase inside.

"You'll find all your belongings have already been brought up" Percy said. Later I had left saying my goodbye to Hermione, I asked Percy where my Dad would be and he led me outside and I saw that my Dad was already outside waiting for me "Thank you" I told Percy, he nodded and made his way hand inside the portrait closing behind him. Dad showed me how to get to his room just in case he wasn't around to lead me back himself, I changed into pajamas and brushed my teeth in the bathroom that was inside the room, I was in bed now "So how was your day kiddo" Dad asked as he tucked me in, "Not bad, I could get used to it" I said "Hmmm, that's good" Dad said, he kissed my forehead, "Sweet dreams, buddy" Dad said as he went towards the light switch and turned it off making the room go dark except for the moon light coming through the window, we'll see how this goes I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

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