Chapter One

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Moxie was just trying to get away from Damon Salvatore when she was teleported to a theatre. She looked around and saw a bunch of people, some she knew and others she didn't. As she was looking around she didn't realize that there were eyes on her.

Elijah Mikaelson was trying to find where his brother dumped their siblings when he was teleported to a theatre. As Elijah Mikaelson went on guard he smelt the most intoxicating scent. He started looking around the room for it, when he saw her. From her scent he could tell she was his soulmate but there was something different about their bond, he just couldn't figure it out.

"Where are we witchy, tell me and I'll kill you nicely." When Damon Salvatore put his hands on her throat, using the threat of getting choked to make her talk, Elijah saw red. He was about to flash over there when the Damon fell to the floor in pain.

"Didn't my ancestor tell you, you can't harm a Bennet Witch." The woman raised her hands and flicked them towards a seat, as she did that Damon Salvatore was forced to sit down.

"What did you do to him." Hearing that familiar voice Elijah looked to see a human doppelgänger. Elijah continued just to stare at the doppelgänger before turning his head back to his mate. He watched his mate walk to a different area and sit down.

"Hey Elijah I think I just found my next meal." His younger brother Kol said as he headed towards the goddess. Though he didn't make it far before Elijah flashed towards the seat beside her. Moxie looked at her other half with amused eyes and a smile playing on her lips.

[Sorry but I must bring you a time skip brought to you by it being two in the morning when I created this.]

As everyone was seated the giant Television turned on and there was a person on the screen. The person was wearing a mask and a black hoodie placed so that no one could see their face.

"Hello Humans and Supernatural, I brought you here so you can right some wrongs and wrong some rights." The deep voice chuckled. "Oh shit I forgot some people." As the Voice said that three new people were teleported in the room. One that was placed beside Moxie, the other two sat in the back. Seeing the last two the Mikaelsons moved their seats and sat together. Elijah glared at the first new person to come through as it was a make that was hugging His Mate.

"Where did you go Mox, I was looking for you." The boy, Jeremy, said. Moxie just hugged him harder.

"Sorry Jeremy as you can see some Witch Bitch put us in here." Moxie said while smiling wide. Then she and Jeremy let go of the hug before getting themselves situated.

"Alright we done good," The television suddenly switched to show Moxie waking up. Then there was a voice over.

"I never put into much thought how my life would be, though I never thought I would have to fight my cousin for the Bennett Title." They watched as she set the bath before hopping in, thankfully not showing any inappropriate areas. They heard her sigh in relief when she was fully in.

"I just don't understand why Bonnie thinks just because she is able to light things on fire with a word, that she will be the Head of the Bennetts."

Bonnie stood up when the TV paused and ran over to her cousin.

"What was that about huh, we both know I'm stronger than you." Bonnie cockily said as she raised her hand about to slap Moxie. Bonnie then was catapulted into her seat.

"Strike one Bonnie." The voice said.

The television shows her getting out of the bath and drying off. The it showed her dropping the towel on the floor and walking around naked. She walked into her room and looked at her closet. She quickly picked out an outfit. Then the camera panned to Bonnie. Bonnie was awake and getting her clothes on already. She quickly straightened her hair and looked in the mirror confidently.

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