Chapter five

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[Sorry for the time skips, life's been really hard rn and I have over 4 projects to do for all my classes so..... here's some Content]

The theatre was quiet as most were shocked by Moxie being dessicated when Elijah was stabbed with the dagger. Moxie on the other hand was looking at the television in shock. Her own niece wouldn't even help her. Niklaus looked at the woman his brother will love and saw the tears in her eyes. Niklaus nudged his older brother gesturing towards Moxie.

"Moxie" Elijah said as he put his arm around her and pulled her close. "Don't cry please." Moxie hugged Elijah tightly as she cried. While Bonnie was looking at her aunt, the guilt she felt was unbearable.

"Moxie I-" suddenly she was hit by anger so powerful she started shaking.

"I would've died if I didn't have my magic, I would've died." Moxie said angrily. Then the lights were turned on and they saw doors that weren't there before.

"After this whole emotional thing I decided to add rooms. Mikaelsons -Mikael and Esther, Moxie, Marcel, Caroline, and Tyler please go to the right door. Anyone else go to the left. If you go into the wrong door you will get shocked and transported over a shark tank." The Mikaelsons and those that were mentioned went to the right door and walked inside. In it there were another corridor of doors that has signs on them. When Moxie walked up to the first door on the left she saw her and Elijah's name.

"There uhm" Moxie cleared her throat as it was a bit sore and dry. "There categorized by Soulmates." Moxie opened the room her and Elijah shared and the continued reading the door out loud.

The first door on the left. "This one says Marcel, Rebekah and Stefan."

The next door on the right. "this one says Kol and a name is covered."

The third door on the right. "This one says Niklaus, Caroline and Tyler." Tyler and Caroline look at the older vampire in shock. "Okay so there are bathrooms in every room and the kitchens at the end of the hall." Then Niklaus felt two presences behind him. When her turned he saw his two mates.

"Soulmates to the second most dangerous creature on planet earth." Niklaus took a breath in and put on his most confident look.

"Well Well, if it isn't my two mates. The baby vamp who has blood ties to the Sheriff and the Lock-Wolf who has ties to the Mayor. What can I do for you." Niklaus gave them his most disarming smile and saw it work for a few seconds until Caroline frowned and glared.

"What does Moxie mean by Mates?" Caroline asked. Niklaus nodded and then walked to their shared room. Once they were all in he closed the doors and locked it.

"All Supernatural creatures except Female doppelgängers, have something called soulmates. There are many stories on how they came to exist but to the werewolves, Mother Moon saw how her children were hurting and felt saddened. So she decided to make twin souls. They were two wolves so identical that they yearned to be one. The only way for them to sedate this craving was to place a mating mark on their mates body." Tyler nodded in a trance listening to Niklaus explain. "While vampires come from nature. Nature saw my mother thoughts as she created us. She wanted us to be unwhole for eternity, so she created Soulmates. You could not ignore or leave your mate, as it would cause you incredible pain and anguish." Caroline listened, so she can't reject him or else it would hurt them both. What would Elena think. "Though rejecting your mate for Werewolves is even worse. There wolf slowly dies killing them in the process."

"Okay but they said your different, what does that mean?" Caroline asked snottily.

"I was both during my first month of turning. Until I killed a accidentally drained someone dry. I started turning right then and there. My father then found out about my mothers infidelity, turns out my mother slept with the Alpha of the local pack. I was both a hybrid." Niklaus said smiling, but his mate could sense the sadness in his voice.

"But my mother thought I was a monster. As did my father. I only was able to speak to my biological father for a few minutes before Mikael slaughtered him and most of my pack. I only was able to save some of the children and the elders. I sent them away to the neighbouring pack." Caroline rested her hand on his bicep and nodded for him to continue.

"One night my father lured me out and when I got their I saw Elijah and my mother aswell. I didn't realize at the time but following him there would be something I would regret for the next 1,000 years. Elijah and Mikael grabber me and held me down onto a wood post in the ground. My mother then locked my werewolf side away. Afterwards I lashed out at my mothers blabbering and ripped her heart out." Caroline was crying by the end of the story while Tyler was just shocked.

"Why would your mom do that." Tyler asked after a few minutes of silence. Niklaus raised his head and looked Tyler in the eyes.

"She hates me because she doesn't think I deserve happiness. I am the living proof of her infidelity." Then there was a knock on their door.

"Uh guys so we might have a problem or mabye this is a good thing."

[oh gosh it took way to long to upload this but alas my life is hectic, I hope you enjoy this. Comments are lovely and I need some more ;). Have a great day/night.

Just needs sleep


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