Chapter Thirteen

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"Okay, so we're waking a mini break because I'm tired." The blue-haired woman said as the lights turned on and it was quiet for all of five seconds until Elena burst out into tears.

"Why would you get close to me and tell me you-" She cut herself off with a sob and flung herself on Damon.

"Gods your dramatic, even Katerina wasn't as bitchy and I tried to kill her." Niklaus said looking at the crying doppelgänger. After saying that he went back to making heart eyes at Forewood(the Tyler/Caroline ship).

"Gods when will I meet my soulmate." Kol whined because of his loss of magic he has to touch his soulmate to sense them. Although vampires have magic keeping them "alive", Kol's power was greater than his mother's. His magic was almost as strong as Questyahs as he was trained by Ayana Bennett. So when he lost his magic, he lost a part of himself and he needs actual physical contact to sense the soulmate magic. Moxie could see the inner turmoil on his face.

"Y'know I might be able to give you magic." Moxie said looking at Kol. After she said those words he perked up like a puppy when you shake a treat bag.

"What are the cons?" Niklaus asked knowing Kol would just jump in not thinking about the risks. Kol frowned thinking this.

"Right cons."He looked at Moxie expectantly.

"We will be sharing magic. My magic will flow through you allowing you to do spells until your body gets re-used to the feeling of magic. After that, I'll make you the Original Heretic. A siphoner." She said looking intensely into Kol's eyes.

"Ye-" Kol was about to agree when the theatre heard an ungodly screech. It was Esther. She lost all of her composure just standing, her face turning redder by the second. 

"NO! THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!" Esther raised her hands and tried to conjure some magic. When nothing came up she looked at her hands in shock. "W-what did you do to me?!" She asked loudly wailing. Then a light appeared behind her. Turning around Esther got paler ad paler. Standing there in all of her glory was Questiyah, Queen of the Otherside. Questiyah stood there in all her glory, her white dress flowing around her making her seem like a heavenly figure until you looked at her face. She burned with hatred as she looked over Esther, Questiyahs eyes were drilling holes into her soul. 

"Esther," Questiyah said calmly walking towards Esther, with a small smile on her face that promised a painful death. "You've caused any problems for the Otherside. Your constant escapes into the living by using up the power of living witches." Flames started coating her body (Like Mary Winchester but not dying) while Esther summoned water like water whips. "There are more water witches in the light than there are humans." 

"Its not my fault I was summoned by weaklings that couldn't handle my power." Esther growled in a dark tone as she made her water whips turn to ice. "It was their fault they couldn't help me." Hearing this another bright flare happened in the theatre, when everyone looked over they saw Moxie with Fire on her. Esther's magic dimmed as she saw she was outnumbered. Then all of the witch's magic flared off.

"Sorry, guys you can kill her later watch more." The blue-haired girl said. Moxie sat down with a huff, why couldn't she just torture Esther she caused pain for everyone. Elijah put his hand on her thigh and rubbed his thumb in circles crinkling her dress.  Moxie made a sound in the back of her throat that sounded primal. Her werewolf was Purring on the inside, pacing in her psyche. THen the Tv turned on and the moment was interrupted.

{Do yall want some smut scenes cause I wanna try writing them :))))) 

A mini-chapter cause I'm in class and just finished the work for today

Thank you for all the support and the whole "over 14K" reads. Love y'all}

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