Chapter Four

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Then Trevor started getting jumpy and nervous.

"Rose are you sure, we can still run." Rose put her hand on Trevor's shoulder.

"Trevor we're tired of running, let's just do this." Then there was anoise out front. "He's here."

"Hey Rose, make sure to say both you and Trevor are allowed to leave. Words really matter." Moxie said not caring for Rose but for Trevor. Rose nodded then left.

The next time they saw Rose she was with the presumed Elijah Mikaelson. Elijah sped to Elena and looked at her closely.

"A human doppelgänger" then his eyes shifted towards Moxie.  Once they locked eyes they both felt fireworks coming from inside them. Elijah walked over to Moxie hoping that what his instincts said was true. "My Kolego, moja druga połowa." Elijah raised his hand to touch her face and caressed her cheek.

"La Mia Anima Gemellina." Elijah's felt his face burn slightly hearing these words. So his Soulmate knew of the bond, though he was confused he could feel a part of her locked away. "Oh how I've searched for you." Moxie stated smiling wide.

Elijah cleared his throat and looked towards Trevor. "You brought me my mate, I thank you. Rose has bargained for both of your freedoms and I have granted it." Elijah then cast a glance at the shivering doppelgänger. "Don't let me see you again."

The there was a bang in the house. "Who is in here?" Rose started getting nervous.

"I don't know." Elijah grabbed Elena roughly and waited until Moxie followed. When they got to the hallway, Elena and Moxie were grabbed and swept away from him.

"I should tell you I'm older and stronger, give me the girls." Moxie then saw Elena step out Stefan's hands. She walked closer to Elijah and starting talking.

"Please don't hurt them, I'll go with you." Elena said thinking he only wanted her. Elijah stared at the doppelgänger in mild disgust.

"What game are you playing?" Elijah asked before she threw a vervain bomb in his face. Elijah screamed but alongside his voice was another. Moxie screamed as her face burned and was blistering.

[Im having total writers block so I'm gonna skip to the sacrifice and re watch the original so I can add my characters and what I think they would say. Also I was thinking of adding some angst or idk, but I suck at angst and I am a crybaby when it comes to fanfictions, movies, and see adorable kids smile. Like I was at a party and had to watch all the kids. And the one I was most worried about was the youngest and he just is so well behaved and he understands that when I say don't run around he just does it. Ugh now I want children again signing off
-Persephone >:( ]

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