Chapter Seven

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After the sacrifice Damon lifted Elena's limp bloodless body from the dirty floor, speeding to the Salvatore Boarding House. When he got there he rested her on one of his couches and called Stefan. He slowly moved her hair from her face and placed his hand on her cheek. He caressed her face and went closer to look at her when Caroline skipped into the room with a human boy by her side. Damon turned to Caroline with a confused but also amused look on his face.

"Okay, but what would he have done if Care hadn't come into the room." Moxie said threateningly glaring at the elder Salvatore.

"I thought you hated live blood." Damon said gesturing a hand at the compelled boy.

"I hate using it for nefarious purposes but he and I have a deal. I pretend to be his little fling and he gives me blood." Care said brightly while the guy nodded sheepishly.

"Vampires are hot." He said as if that made it better.

"I've compelled him not to tell, feel pain when I feed off of him, make up rumours about me, and go near the Mikaelsons unless he has to or I tell him to." Caroline said as she fiddled with her hands. The boy just looked at her with dopey eyes.

"So what's your actual reason for doing this." Damon said adding compulsion into his voice.

"I liked Caroline since she first came to the daycare centre my aunt runs. I just want a chance." The boy said dreamily.

"So your cheating on Tyler." Caroline shook her head violently. She then looked at the guy and walked her hand. As he left she turned back to Damon.

Tyler looked at the blond in shock. Caroline just shook her head violently.

"I am a vampire, a so-called monster in stories but I don't cheat on people."

"He left me here and I am angry so what more to do than fake it till I make it." She then turned around to leave the room. "Besides I heard the Mikaelson boys are single. I always liked a wild boy, Kol seems like a good bet right." Caroline then sped out of there. The moment she left her smile vanished from her face. That man was disgusting. Touching Elena while she is coming back from the dead. Then a man caught Caroline's eye. She was entrapped by his scent. Woods, burning, blood and poison. She slowly walked to the man a flirty smile on her face. When she got close enough, she compelled him.

"You will follow me"She then turned and walked off to a darker less crowded alley. When she got deep into the alley she pushed him against the wall and bit into his throat. His blood was enticing and addictive. Even though her rational brain said to stop her instincts wouldn't let her. Then she felt dizzy before realising he swapped their positions.

"I ATE OFF OF KLAUS!" Caroline yelled her voice starting every one. Moxie just nodded and went back to laying on Elijah. Elijah was pressing kisses to her throat and drinking off her. Usually wolf blood would be poisonous to any vampire but it sees her with blood just cancelled that out.

"Hello, Love." What she didn't realise in her hunger was that this was Klaus, the big bad hybrid that sacrificed her friends. His hand was loosely held around her throat as a threat, if he wanted to he could snap her neck or worse rip her head off. "You must be a baby vamp if you can't tell when another of your kind is near." Caroline just glared at the smug smirk on his face, she really messed up. "I didn't know my soulmate was the doppelgangers friend." when he uttered those words Caroline was shocked. That's the feeling in her chest the tight pull of a bond. "So where is our third?"

"Who are you talking about." Klaus laughed mockingly. He then let go of her throat and just looked at her waiting for her answer.

"I mean your wolf boyfriend Tyler Lockwood."


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