Chapter Three

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Moxie woke up in a old rundown crackhouse on a dirty couch with a kink in her neck. She got up to see a knocked out Elena on the floor, Moxie groans loudly.

"I would rather be put in a room with Damon Salvatore and Tatia at the same time than be near Elena for more than 5 seconds" Moxie got up leaving Elena on the floor, and started looking for her magic. When she couldn't feel it she panicked.

"What are you looking for." A male voice said behind her. Moxie turned as quickly as she could and saw a scrawny brunette man leaning on the door frame.

"Trevor what are you doing here?" Moxie hissed at the smiling man. Trevor just sped towards her and gave her a tight hug. Then she slapped him in the face.  "You worried me, you asshole." Trevor just laughed.

"Sorry for getting you in this mess, Emox."

"Emox?" Niklaus asked looking at the Bennet head. Moxie shook her head and gave a small smile. Rebekah on the other hand glanced at Elijah to see his face look murderous.

"We met when I was attacked by a vampire after I refused to sell him a daylight ring." Moxie scoffed. "He wanted it for only $1 Million dollars, I've sold some for $500 Million."

"You sell daylight rings to Vampires!" Bonnie asked brashly. Moxie nodded and just looked at a man in the back that no one noticed.

"I sell them to him mostly." Moxie points to the African-American man. The man sighed and then walked into the light. When he was fully in the light, Niklaus sped towards him and pinned him to the wall.

"We saw you perish during the fires, Marcel." Niklaus said both in desperation and in anger. The man just looked Niklaus in the eyes and smiled with all teeth.

"No you left me there to die, Nik." Rebekah then sped towards her brother and pushed him out of the way. She then brought Marcel into a hug and kissed him, but Marcel didn't return the kiss nor the hug.

"Marcel?" Rebekah said when he didn't hug her back. Marcel just looked at her with a icy glare. Rebekah was frozen in her spot. This was one of her soulmates, why was he glaring at her.

"You left me there to die." Marcel said in a blank tone. Rebekah looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"No I didn't" Marcel looked at her like she was lying. "Niklaus had to dagger me just to get me away, he only let me out 5 years after your death. He had to dagger me again less than four years later because I tried to get fathers attention so I could join you in the afterlife." Marcel looked shocked at this information, while Niklaus looked guilty.

"Then what about your thing with the youngest Salvatore brother?" Marcel said hotly. Stefan gasped and looked at Rebekah scandalized. Rebekah sighed and looked at Niklaus with a pleasing look.

"Fine sister." Niklaus sped towards Stefan and grabbed him by the throat. "Remember." And with that simple word Stefan remembered everything. All of the parties and all of the gore. He also remembered Rebekah telling him about her first soulmate.

"You- I knew you during my ripper stage." Stefan said shocked and agitated. Elena on the other hand was angry at the blonde original for stealing one of the Salvatore brothers form her.

"Marcel." Kol said emotionlessly. Marcel looked nervous as he was the one who got Kol put away. Kol got up and was about to speed over but he suddenly stopped. Then everyone heard Moxie snap her fingers, the moment her fingers even roughed each other Kols neck was snapped and he slumped to the ground.

"I swear you guys act like children compared to 1,000 year old vampires." Moxie stated tiredly. Most of the soon-to-be Scooby gang was shocked, is this the power of a true witch.

The TV switched from a paused screen to show the shadow person. The person took off their mask and hood so all we could see was their hair and face. The screen showed a person with grey skin and bright blue hair.

"Okay so I gonna wake up the unconscious one and start the whole thing which takes a while btw." The person rambled. Suddenly Kol woke up and he shot towards Moxie with the intent of killing her. In his primitive state he forgot that this was his brothers mate. Kol got close enough to taste her scent before Elijah stopped him and held him down.

"Hmmpf, Elijah let him go." Hearing this Elijah dropped Kol like he was a dead body and races over to his mate.

[After They got situated cause I'm currently at a program thing]

Suddenly Elena woke up with a start. Seeing Moxie and an unfamiliar man, she thought she could finally get her revenge on the Bennett head. She started creeping out until she stepped on a loose board. Rose flashed in flashing her fangs.

"There is nothing for miles and miles." Rose said mocking the doppelgänger. Elena was fuming on the inside, who did this woman think she was talking to. She was Elena Gilbert the second doppelgänger.

"Actually your the fifth, there was Amara, an unknown girl, Tatia, Katerina, and then you." Elena looked outraged for a second before putting her most innocent looking mask on.

Elena started asking question after question.

"Why am I here and why bring a witch, if their stronger than you." While Elena was being Elena, Moxie was on the phone with Jeremy.

"Yeah I've been kidnapped by some vampires, no don't worry about me Jeremy. Worry about you nosy bitch of a sister, she'll probably get herself killed or worse." After that Rose sped in and broke the phone Moxie was using.

"Why don't you take a seat, you have no magic right now and that means your useless." Rose said angrily, Moxie just sighed before going into the room with Elena. She glared at Elena angrily, Elena just shivered and looked away. Rose then walked on with a smug look on her face.

"I hope who ever your giving us too is fully and totally immortal." Moxie stated coldly and just looked at rose with her dead eyes.

[So here's a new chapter sorry it's a bit late, but I was at night school lol. Anywayz here's a new thing. I do not have a beta ;) reader but I'll try to fix any mistakes. Bye for now]

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