Chapter 21 ~ I'm in Lesbian with You!

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Dedicated to TheAceFanGirl for being an awesome friend, a fantastic writer, and for being so interested in this story. Thanks for the feedback!


It was Monday. I had seen Kit in my class just before lunch, but she hadn't shown up to eat with us like usual. There were five of us sitting at the table, but it felt empty. I had worried that Kit wouldn't show up for lunch, but I didn't think she would actually not come.

We talked about her. Angrily, Jo claimed that Kit's parents were suffocating their daughter. I didn't care to tell Jo that she didn't know the whole story, especially since it seemed like Jo could be right. Kit's parents made me feel anxious, and it didn't help that I had heard them blame me for Kit's behavior. I thought it was strange that they told Kit what she could and couldn't wear too. I told Jo this, and she fiercely agreed that Kit shouldn't have to worry about what her parents thought of her clothes.

It slowly occurred to us that Sherry had known Kit the longest. She had been quietly listening to the discussion, but now we asked her to tell us about Kit's parents. Sherry sighed.

"Kit always seemed to get along with her parents just fine," Sherry explained, "but they have always been strict. I think Kit has been internalizing everything this whole time." She opened her mouth again like she was going to add something, but then Sherry was silent again. I got the feeling that she knew something and wasn't telling us, but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Just then, Jo asked a pretty uncomfortable question. "Are her parents homophobic?"

Sherry's eyes widened, but she didn't reply for a moment. Then she averted her eyes and answered, "Yes. Kit's older sister Addy is very mad about it, but Kit has never really noticed." We looked at Jo for an explanation to her question, but she didn't acknowledge our curious stares.

After school, I met up with Jo. I had to tell her something. She was standing on the sidewalk, texting somebody. "Hey Jo," I cautiously got her attention.

Jo looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile. "Hi Kris, what's up?"

"Um... uh," I faltered, looking around the parking lot. "Um, so, I... about our relationship..."

Jo inhaled, putting her phone away and shoving her hands in her pockets. "You wanna break up?" Biting my lip, I nodded. "Yeah, I thought so.""Sorry," I sighed. "It's not that I have a problem with you, I just—"

"I know," Jo interrupted. "You're not feeling it."

"Right. I hate to tell you that, 'cause I like our friendship, and I want you to find a good girlfriend."

Nodding slowly, Jo replied, "Don't sweat it. I gotta go to work now, so... see ya later."

"Okay." I watched as Jo walked out to the parking lot, got in her car, and left. One day, for someone else, she would make a good girlfriend.


That night, just before I headed off to my bedroom to get ready for bed, my parents asked how I was doing. They seemed to care, but I had started finding it hard to trust them. They didn't like my friends; this was becoming more obvious to me now. At dinner, they had told me that my friends were encouraging me to act out, which wasn't true. I simply told my parents that I was feeling better now, then headed off to my room.

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