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Y/n Perspective [ PoV ]

I open my eyes when someone just threw a bucket of water on my face.

"who the hell did this....?" i said angrily.

"I did....!" I heard a voice. As I looked up its from dainel. Their is also a big glass wall their. As I look at side.. I find Anna. She is also unconscious.

"Hi Anna....!" She didn't respond.

"Hi Anna wake up.... suhyeok is calling you....!" I shouted clearly to wake her. She open her eyes slowly.

"y/n... stop shouting....!" Dainel said covering his ears.

"shut up you... you bitch....!" Anna shouted.

"you all stop....!" A man appeared on the big glass wall. I didn't know but can see his face. I can't see his face but can only hear his voice. His voice is so deep and husky even so creepy.

"y/n... you have to give me your blood to make antivirus....!" He said rudely.

"mai pagal hu kya....?" i murmurs in my language.

"what did you said...?" Anna... that man and daniel asked at same time..

"do I look crazy....?" i whispers again.

"oh... so then what about your brother...?" As the camera focus on some person caged in a glass room. They all are yoongi, jini, joonie, hobi, jimin and Tae oppa. Their is suhyeok and jungkook is also caged their. I didn't saw kari.

"if you didn't did what I said... I will kill your brother and friends...!" I found kari standing beside that man.

"oh... you just touch them... open my hands... I will kill you bastred....!" I said angrily trying to free myself. I was tied on a chair like Anna.

"calm down... y/n...!" Anna whispers.

"boss... should I kill them...?" i found kari whispering.

"you bastred.... I will kill you kari... jimin oppa. loved you and you just....!" I just rolled my face in disgustness.

"uh... you know.... your brother just fall in my trap... think and tell me... ok....!" The screen just truned into transparent.

"Hi take this Anna also to those peoples....!" dainel whisper to his guards. As soon all of them came and take Anna away from me.

I am gonna kill you dainel. Just wait and watch...!

Jimin Perspective [ PoV ]

I woke up and find myself in a big glass room. I feel my head aching. We all were in helicopter how did we came here...? Everyone is lying in that room unconscious. Soon I found chongson opening his eyes.

"Hi suhyeok..... woke up....!" I shakes him.

"ah...m my neck...!" He sit straight.

"woke up... you rat....!" I flicked his head hardly.

"ah... hyung.... what happen...?" He said like he is didn't know what is happening..!

"wait how did we get cage here...!?" He whispers.

"I don't know.... where is kari....?" I questioned because I didn't find her with us. As soon someone open the door of the room and threw a girl inside.

She fall on chongson.

"Anna you just find me to fall on...!" He tuant her.

"what can I do when they just threw me on you...!" She sit straight away from him but beside me.

"how do you came here....?" i questioned.

"dainel kidnaped us after you all left....!" She murmurs.

"where is y/n...!?" I said worriedly.

"she is somewhere... caged....!" She said.

"and where is kari....?" as soon everyone woke up. Her face expressions truned into disgust.

"she cheated you oppa... can't you understand... she did everything....!" She raised her voice angrily.

"what the hell.....?" Jin Hyung murmurs but soon I felt my heart aching when Anna told us everything. Why the hell you did this kari....?

"Hi hyung please chill....!" jungkook just comfort me. I nods.

"I have to save y/n...!" I murmurs.

"Hi guys... how is your life is going....?" As I found someone standing on the other side of the wall.

"kari....!" I rolled my face in disgustness.

"yes me....!" She smirked.

"how easily you fall in my trap....?" She laughed.

"do you think that...? Maybe you fallen in my trap...!" I murmurs. But soon she called some gaurd.

"you know I got order to kill you.... all....!" She smrik.

"i am think that my cute face had kill you before....!" I said smirking.

"do you think that...? you're not handsome at all....!" She said looking at me from the glass wall

"oh.... but whole world is crazy for me...!" I am still smriking.

"what can I do....?" She rolled her face. "I am felling bad for y/n...!" She added.

"where is y/n...?" i questioned.

"oh... y/n... your sister.... she is dead....!" She laughed out evilly. I felt like just killing her but I can't do I loved her.

"it can't be....!" I smiled.

"is it....? she is dead... I am just coming after killing her....!" She continues to laugh evilly.

"oh.... I can't believe on you....!" I said angrily.

"oh... the see this....!" As soon a video start to play on the glass wall. It it y/n and was lying on ventilater. As some machines is also their.

"you know what is this happening to her....?" she asked smirking.

"what the hell you are doing to my sister....?" i said punching on the glass wall trying to break it but it doesn't work it is so strong.

"you sister... we are taking out her all blood... soon the process will start and she will die....!" She laughed.

"I will kill you kari... if something happen to her....!" chongson murmurs angrily. I felt like my whole world falling apart. No one left in my life. I looks at jungkook and just find him siting silently lowering his head.

As everyone is just silent and don't even have courage to speak. We all are trapped here and can't save y/n. She is the only one who is left in my life.

I felt my eyes to go teary.

"aw.... see he started crying....!" kari laughed loudly saying to her guards. As her guards also laughed with her. I am helpless. I can't protect you... I didn't fulfil my promise.

I am sorry y/n. I fall on my knees crying leaning on the wall. Why god... you just did this to me....! If you want her then why you just send her to me...!? Then why...? Just why...? You're snatch her...!

"you can't save her....! Guards....!" She whispers to her guards I felt like a baby crying badly.

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