Chapter 13

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I blink several times, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.

Nessa's eyes move from me back to Damien Yenin.

I place my hand down, "Full house," I tell him.

Damien stands, smiling still. I follow his lead as he pushes his sleeves up, revealing tattooed arms with several Bratva tattoos in black ink.

"The girl is yours. I take our marriage out of the contract and we are square, as discussed," Damien holds out his hand. I shake it. He nods. "Our brothers will be displeased."

"Good thing I can trust you," I test.

"You can," he nods. "As I said. A deal is a deal. I much prefer you as an ally."

"Then it's done."

"It is done. Now, if you don't mind, I have some things to do this evening. I'd ask if you want to join, but I sense you'll be handling a bit of a shit storm soon enough," Damien chuckles lightly.

He was definitely right.

Nessa and I have to get the fuck out of here before Ronan explodes.

Damien turns, helping Nessa out of her chair. She shoots him a perplexed look before blinking back at me. I lead her out of the club and as soon as we get to the car, she pulls me into her arms in a big hug.

"That was so fucking stupid!" she cries.

"I know," I laugh.

"You left my best friend's fate to a game of chance!" she slaps my arm, pulling away, but I see tears in her eyes.

"I know," I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Ro is going to murder you..."

"Nothing's ruined. The alliance will stay intact, as planned," I scoff. Nessa's bodyguard drives off into the night.

We sit in silence for a long time.

So many things left unsaid.

I turn to her, feeling pained. I shouldn't have kept this all from my sister. It was always me and Nessa against Ronan and Sean. I feel like I betrayed her worst of all.

"You lied to me," she says suddenly, her eyes full of tears. I've never really seen my sister cry. "You and Caitlin both lied. You both stood there and lied to my face, said the sex was a one-time thing."

"It was the only way to keep you from telling on us until I could sort this out..." I mutter. "I know it sucks. And I'll apologize as many times as you need me to. I am sorry for lying, but I'd do it again. I am trying to keep her safe."

"You think you can keep her safe? Are you going to marry her, Tris?" Nessa snaps angrily.

I swallow, "I want to. I love her."

Nessa's mouth falls open. "So, you REALLY lied to me! How long has this been going on?"

"A part of me has always known. But not long," I cringe.

Nessa thinks for a long few minutes. The car is completely silent save my wild beating of my fucking heart.

"She's not like us, Tris," Nessa whispers finally. "She's good, and kind, and deserves good things."

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