Chapter 14

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I stand two weeks later on my wedding day, staring at myself in the full-length mirror in my and Tristan's bedroom. Ronan and Mira insisted on hosting the ceremony and celebration at the mansion for the small group we wanted to invite. Neither of us wanted a big to-do, and I couldn't bring myself to care about anything but what came next, anyway.

"You look beautiful," Mira smiles behind me as she fusses over my hair.

Nessa is lounging on the sofa, inhaling another donut.

"I can't wait for my own wedding," she says through a mouthful, "it's going to be the biggest shindig ever! Since neither of you did anything grand..."

Mira and I both roll our eyes.

Viv walks in from the bathroom, makeup fully done, looking stunning in her bridesmaids dress.

I take a deep breath as Mira finishes my hair. She has it looking natural and flowing down over my shoulders with a braided crown, little white flowers entwined, my veil pinned within.

"You're ready," Mira kisses my cheek.

"Thank you," I smile at her.

"You make a beautiful bride, for real!" Nessa grins, skipping over to me. She, Mira, and Viv smile behind me in the mirror, all looking gorgeous in their pale blue dresses.

"I love you all. Thank you for being my family today," I grip Nessa's hand.

"Today, and from here on out," Nessa promises.

I smile at them. Viv hugs me.

There's a knock on the door.

I turn back to apply a layer of lipstick as Nessa gets the door. A moment later, I drop the tube of lipstick when I see who is standing there.


I am sobbing in my brothers arms as he holds me, running his hands down my hair like I'm something precious. "Stop doing that, bumble bee, or you'll ruin your makeup."

"I can't believe you're here!" I cry, wiping my tears.

He smiles down at me, that perfect, charming Will smile.

"I would never miss this," he tells me fiercely. "Plus, your fiancé can be very convincing."

I laugh, "Tristan talked to you?"

"He has called me every day since he proposed, insisting Sam and I come."

"You're kidding," I balk.

How did Tristan manage to keep that from me?

After he proposed, I officially moved into the Donnelly mansion with Tristan. I didn't talk to my parents at all. We invited them to the wedding, only because it was formality. I wasn't even sure they'd show up. If they did, it would only be for Ronan's benefit, not Tristan's or mine's...their own daughter.

I take in my oldest brother, shaking my head slightly as I beam up at him. "I miss you so much."

He kisses my forehead, "I'm always here."

"It's been hard without you," I tell him.

He nods, understanding. "I know. I'm sorry, bee."

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