chapter VII

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As we arrive in front the tailor shop, someone greets us with formality and simple.

"Welcome! May I help you guys with something?" A man with glasses shows us the way to the counter, but Yurim whispers something in that man's ear. The man nods and leads us to the elevator.

For some reason, all of them perceive that Yurim tells the man something that none of us knows.

All of us are inside the elevator, and the doors close. The man who escorted us to the elevator starts to put his hand on the mirror, and suddenly, an unknown voice greets us.

"Good afternoon, Owl. Where should we go?" the voice asks.

"To the basement, and yes, we have a guest with both of us," the man said to the voice.

"May I know who is with you, Owl?" the voice asks again.

"I'm with Viper and her friends," the man said without any concern.

"hi there vector. how are you?" yurim ask simple question to the voice.

I'm good as always, Viper. Let's move on and talk again later," the voice stops speaking

The elevator's doors open, and what shocks us is that the basement doesn't look like a basement at all. The surroundings resemble a practice room for anyone who wants to train themselves.

"Wow... Yurim, I had no idea this tailor shop would have a basement like this. It's massive and filled with specialized training equipment," Yunjin exclaimed, amazed by the array of proper equipment in the room.

"Let me properly introduce you to my private tailor or, should I say, my personal trainer, Minhyun. He will be the one professionally training us for this apocalypse," Yurim announced, sharing the man's name.

"May I ask you something, Yurim? It might not be important, but I just want to ask," Sakura inquired. Yurim, who was still engaged in conversation with her personal trainer, turned around and explained to Sakura what would happen to them.

"Here, you guys will be my team to fight against the zombies," Yurim declared.

All of them were astonished by what Yurim said, and they all agreed to be part of Yurim's team.

"Miss Yurim, may I disclose the personal information we naturally gathered about them before the zombie apocalypse occurred?" Minhyun asked. He approached a stack of sticks, pulled one out, and suddenly the wall around them turned, revealing a massive monitor displaying all the information about the team members.

"What is this, Yurim? Why is all of our personal information displayed on this huge screen? Are you possibly spying on us?" Minji approached the screen to verify the authenticity of the information.

"Yes, this is your personal information that I have been collecting all along. I have been observing you all, and my team has gathered information from around the city. But please rest assured, it is not intended to cause any harm. You have nothing to worry about," Yurim explained to them.

"Haerin, I think you should consider getting assistance with this. You don't have to observe everything by yourself," Danielle whispered beside Haerin.

"Shut up, you moron! Don't you dare compare me to her. She's completely different from me," Haerin snapped, pinching Danielle's side. Danielle let out a yelp as Haerin pinched her.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't compare you to her. Sheesh, why are you so mad?" Danielle apologized, rubbing the spot on her side that had been pinched by Haerin.

"So what we have here is just your personal information, and we will keep it strictly confidential. We won't reveal it to the government or anyone else," Yurim said, taking a seat on the chair.

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