chapter VIII

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As everyone ventured into their respective sections, Haerin remained cautious, finding the situation perplexing and feeling that something didn't quite add up.

With a sense of indifference, Haerin made her way to her designated section. However, to her surprise, she discovered that the room was equipped with advanced technology, including a bot that would assist her in her training.

"Wow, a robot? Is this robot going to assist me with my training or something?" Haerin approached the robot, intrigued by its presence. To her surprise, the robot greeted her warmly.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Haerin. I am your personal robot here to assist you with your training," the robot greeted Haerin.

"Fuck, this scared the hell out of me!," Haerin exclaimed, startled by the sudden conversation from the robot.

Startled, Haerin took a step back to create some distance between herself and the robot. She quickly spotted a nearby wooden stick and grabbed it tightly, preparing herself for any potential threat.

"Please don't worry, Ms. Haerin. I have no intention of causing any harm. My programming is designed to facilitate practice sessions with individuals skilled in martial arts, and I am equipped to withstand any physical contact. Your safety is my top priority," the robot assured Haerin.

After listening to the robot's explanation and feeling reassured, Haerin slowly relaxed her grip on the wooden stick and put it back in its place. She realized that the robot was meant to assist her in training and not pose a threat.

Haerin left her section and began exploring the other areas. As she looked around, she realized that this place could potentially offer them safety from the zombies.

As Haerin moved to the other section, she came across Danielle and Yunjin engaged in their practice. Haerin was taken aback by the intense and focused expression on Danielle's face as she trained.

Haerin discreetly peeked from the doorway, observing Danielle's unusually serious demeanor during practice. It was a side of Danielle she had never seen before.

Feeling inspired by Danielle's dedication, Haerin decided not to waste any more time and returned to her own section to practice with the robot that awaited her.

"Am I hallucinating or something? Is that Haerin peeking at our door?" Yunjin abruptly stopped her practice, noticing Haerin's presence.

"Maybe, we can't see properly if that's actually Haerin or if there's no one there. You know, we're busy with our practicing," Danielle responded, also halting her movements when Yunjin stopped.

"Maybe it's just our imagination. There's no way Haerin would come to our section," Yunjin said, resuming her practice.


Meanwhile, Chaewon and Eunchae, who both practice taekwondo, spot each other wearing their taekwondo outfits.

"Do you want to spar with me, Chaewon?" Eunchae asks Chaewon.

"Okay, but after the spar, we must not have hard feelings towards each other," Chaewon warned Eunchae, and Eunchae nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, no hard feelings," Eunchae says as she wears her sparring gear and steps onto the sparring field.

"Why does this make me nervous for some reason?" Chaewon says to herself as she wears her sparring gear.

After both of them enter the sparring field, a robot comes forward to serve as the judge between them.

"Welcome! I'm the robot who will serve as the judge for this sparring session, and I will now explain the rules. The sparring is purely for practice purposes, and the legally scored areas include the protected body and the padded area of the headgear."

The Living Undead (LE SSERAFIM & NEWJEANS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang