chapter XVI

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After a month in the company, all of them began to settle into their new lives, feeling a bit more comfortable.

Today was a significant day as they were preparing to test their skills in combating zombies in the outside world. However, before they embarked on their mission, they had a meeting scheduled with the directors. They had a sense that the directors would assign them a specific task or mission to undertake.

Feeling a mix of anticipation and excitement, they prepared themselves mentally for the meeting, ready to learn about the challenge that awaited them.

All of them gathered in the main meeting room, approached the door, and gave a gentle knock before opening it. As they entered, they saw the director seated in a chair at the front of the room.

The director looked up and greeted them with a warm smile, ready to discuss the upcoming task and provide guidance. The room was filled with a sense of anticipation as they eagerly awaited the director's instructions and the opportunity to prove their abilities in the field.

"Hello and good morning, everyone. I hope you're all doing well," the director greeted warmly. "Before we begin discussing the task at hand, I wanted to check in on how you've been settling into the accommodation. Is everything comfortable and suitable for your stay?"

"Yes, we are all satisfied with the accommodation provided to us," Sakura confirmed on behalf of the group.

The director examined Hyein's hearing aid closely and acknowledged that she had been wearing it.

"Hyein, I have heard that you have a hearing disability in both of your ears, right?" the director asked Hyein.

"Yes, I am, Director. I have this hearing disabilities when I arrived here about two weeks ago," Hyein said.

"I see that you have been wearing the hearing aid that my personal otolaryngologist, Han Seungwoo, has been developing. You are the first person to wear his prototype hearing aid," the director noted.

"I feel honored to wear his first prototype hearing aid, and it feels comfortable for me to wear," Hyein said.

"Good to hear that," the director said with a smile.

"Before we commence with the mission I have in mind, I wanted to inquire if any of you have any questions or concerns about anything," the director asked.

"I have a question," Haerin spoke up, capturing the attention of both her team members and the director. They all looked expectantly at her, awaiting her inquiry.

Haerin's question was straightforward, "How is this company able to maintain safety and prevent any zombie outbreaks?"

The director paused for a moment, considering Haerin's question before responding, 

"Ensuring the safety of our company is of utmost importance to us. We have implemented a comprehensive set of security measures and protocols to minimize the risk of any zombie outbreaks. This includes rigorous surveillance systems, well-trained security personnel, and regular perimeter checks. Furthermore, our location has been strategically chosen to reduce the chances of zombie infiltration. We take the threat of zombies seriously and remain vigilant in our efforts to maintain a secure environment."

The director's response aimed to address Haerin's concerns and reassure the team that the company had taken significant measures to ensure their safety. It emphasized the importance of their security and highlighted the precautions in place to prevent any potential outbreaks within the company premises.

The director's response provided the team with a clear understanding of the security measures in place to keep the company safe from zombie outbreaks. The explanation reassured them that the company took the threat seriously and had implemented comprehensive strategies to mitigate the risk.

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