Forgive and Forget

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Chapter 21
The couple walked down the empty side walk arm in arm. Kate's head was leaning against Rick's shoulder.

"Kate, do you ever think about the dead and where they go afterwards?" Rick asked curiously.

"All the time." she paused before continuing. "Ever since my mom died, I've always thought of her always being with me. I was never raised with any type of religion but I do think my mom is up in heaven. I just hope she's taking care of our baby now."

Rick hesitated to speak. "I hope so too." He pulled Kate in tighter and kissed her temple.

They walked together to the car but before they got in Rick pulled Kate in close and kissed her. He could taste the red wine off of her lips. Her hands made her way up to Rick's hair. They pulled apart and gazed into each other's eyes.

"Thank you." Kate said.

"For what?" Rick questioned.

"Being you." She responded and she kissed him one last time before getting into the car.

Rick opened the door for her and ran to the other side of the car to get in on his side. A rain drop hit his forehead before he got in. "Could you drive a bit faster? I think it's going to pour any minute." Rick asked the driver.

Even though the car driver did drive over the speed limit they did not beat the rain. The thunder and lightning had caught up to them.

Kate had fallen asleep on Rick's lap on the way home. Rick lifted Kate off of his lap and paid the car driver. He got out of the car ran around to the other side to get Kate. He lifted her up into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tucked her face into his jacket.

Rick kicked the car door shut and thanked his door man for holding the door and getting the elevator.

When Rick finally opened the door to his loft it was 10:30. He carried Kate into their bedroom, took off her jacket and shoes, and tucked her into bed.

Rick went back into the kitchen and found Alexis looking in the refrigerator.
"Oh hey, how was your date night?" Alexis asked.

"Great I think. We didn't beat the rain though. Kate fell asleep in the car." Rick said as he grabbed the chocolate ice cream out of the freezer.

Alexis grabbed two spoons out of the drawer. "Are you ok?" She asked. "I know you were looking forward to having another kid. It must have been devastating. I know Kate was excited."

"Of course it was devastating. I don't know if Kate wants to try to have any other kids again. I don't want to force her either. I don't want to put her through the pain of a lose again. other then that. I'm fine." Rick assured his daughter as he shove a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth. "What about you? I know you weren't that excited about the baby to begin with."

"It's not that I wasn't happy. It was just happening all too fast. First the engagement and then a baby. It was too much. I did always want a baby brother or sister." Alexis giggled but her father only sighed. "I do hope you guys do have a kid. I saw how excited you were at dinner. Plus I'd be happy to babysit."

Her father smiled. "Glad to hear that." The two continued to eat their chocolate ice cream until it was gone.

Rick went into his bedroom to find Kate still fast asleep. He crawled under the covers trying to not make a sound or sudden movement to wake her up. As he settled in Kate rolled over and leaned into Rick's neck.

"I love you, Rick" she whispered before drifting off again.

"I love you too, Kate." He replied.

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