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Chapter 18
Kate woke up in a hospital bed with dozens of flowers by her bedside. Her body aches and was sore but she made the effort to kiss her fiancé, who was asleep in the chair next to her bed.

Rick woke up instantly and was thrilled to see Kate awake. He stood up and went out the door. He came back with a nurse.

"Detective Beckett, you received a minor concussion, a fractured wrist, and two broken ribs. I'm sorry detective but you also lost the baby." The nurse informed the couple.

Kate looked at the nurse with disbelief. The nurse kept talking about medicine to take and further information but Kate was just focused on her baby. She had lost the baby. She lifted the hospital blanket and looked at her stomach. There was no baby.

The nurse left and Kate started to tear up. Esposito, Lainie, and Ryan came in as soon as the nurse left.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Lainie asked already knowing the answer.

Kate looked at Lainie and the tears fell down her cheeks. They hugged knowing it would just make them cry harder.

"You'll be ok girl. You've got Castle." Lainie assured her.

Kate smiled and looked at her fiancé. She grabbed his hand and held it tight. The friends exited giving the couple some space.

"The doctor said you can come home in a couple days. They need to cast up your arm and check your stitches." Rick said "I'm so sorry about the baby Kate. I know that we were really looking forward to meeting him."

Kate just had a small smile on her face. "Lay with me?" She asked.

Kate rolled over on her side and Rick laid down next to her wrapped his arms around her ward and shoulder.

"I love you, Kate. Always" Rick said and kissed her neck.

"I love you too." she sighed before going back to sleep.

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