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Chapter 24
Castle was dancing to his music in the kitchen while he made dinner for his soon to be arriving guests. Kate watched from the bedroom door frame as her fiancé spun and twirled around the kitchen island. Castle noticed her watching and motioned for her to join him.

Kate hesitantly walked over to the kitchen but immediately sat down on one of the bar stools. Castle looked defeated and turned around to continue sautéing the food.

Kate looked down at the counter and looked back up and Castle had vanished. She felt a hand go around her waist. Castle lifted Kate up, out of the seat and into his arms danced around with her to the song.

"Rick put me down! Stop!" Kate said but did not put up much of a fight.

When the song ended, Rick carried Kate over to the couch. "You know there is no other woman I would want to have my baby." Rick explained.

"What about Alexis, Meredith is her mother." Kate questioned.

"And I don't regret it but we were in college. I wasn't really in love with her. We only got married because of Alexis." ice assured her.

Kate sat her head on Rick's shoulder as they cuddled on the couch.

"You know I love you, right?" Rick asked.

"Umm I don't know. Maybe your gonna have to remind me." Kate said with a cheeky smile.

Rick leaned in kissed Kate ever so slightly. Kate's lips tangled as his lips touched hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Their pace increased and the tension between them grew. Their lips parted for brief second.

"Just think, soon you won't be able to sit on my lap." Rick exclaimed while putting his hand over Kate's stomach.

A defensive looked appeared on Kate's face. "What's that supposed to mean?" she questioned.

"I just mean you'll be so big to fit.' Rick said but realized he had just made it worse.

Kate's eyes widened and her mouth dropped. She got up and stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door.

Before Rick could chase after her the smoke alarm went off. Rick had forgotten about dinner and it burned. Just then, the front door opens to Alexis and Martha.

"Hello darling, what's for dinner?" Martha asked as she kissed her son's cheek.

"Smoked Jerky." Rick said sarcastically while he kissed and hugged Alexis hello.

Martha had a peculiar look on her face. "Where is Katherine?" She asked.

"In the bedroom." He replied annoyed.

"What did you say to her?" Martha snapped.

"Nothing it's just... No I cannot tell you. You're going to find out anyway." Martha and Alexis leaned in close. Castle looked around the room before he continued. "Kate's pregnant."

"Oh Richard that's wonderful, but I don't understand. Why is she in the bedroom?" Martha asked.

"Well I told her that soon she will be showing and I said that soon she wouldn't be able to sit on my lap." Castle admitted.

"Oh Richard, you should never tell a woman, let alone a pregnant woman, that she is fat. I thought I raised you better" Martha replied as she paced the kitchen and poured a glass of wine.

"But I didn't.' Castle protested.

"My boy, women read between the lines in every conversation. It was implied. It may not have been intentional but she took it that way.' Martha explained as she took a sip of her glass. "I'm going to go talk to her. You've done enough damage." Martha said pointing to Castle as she walked off to their bedroom.

Alexis sat on the couch next to her dad. "Congratulations dad." she said to try and lighten the mood.

"Thanks pumpkin." He said and kissed her on the forehead.

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