The Kick

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Chapter 8

Kate was now 4 months pregnant and she was starting to show now. She still has not told Gates about her pregnancy.

She was wearing baggy shirts and bigger pants to work. She didn't want to leave or be out on desk duty.

She hated desk duty.

Rick was like an angel to Kate. She would get out of bed and he would already have a decaf coffee, her clothes out and the shower going for her.

Kate was lying in bed. She didn't want to get up. It was a Saturday and she wanted to sleep in from the long week.

Rick was next to her asleep. He had been up all night making sure she was comfortable and asking if she felt the baby yet.

There was still no movement from the baby and Kate was scared. What if there is something wrong with the baby? She thought. Is it my fault?

Rick woke up to Kate's movement in bed. "Hey sweetie. You ok?" He asked concerned.

Kate smiled. "I'm fine just thinking about the baby."

Rick smiled back. "Everything is going to be fine Kate. You are going to be an amazing mom and this baby couldn't be luckier to have you."

"Yeah well the baby is lucky to have you." She said.

Rick leaned down toward her and kissed her soft lips.

At that moment Kate felt it.

Kate pulled away from the kiss. "Rick!" Kate exclaimed and she grabbed his hand and placed it on her small baby bump.

"I felt it kick! Do you feel it?" Kate asked.

"Yeah I do. He must like it when we are together." Rick said and smiled.

"He? how do you know it's a boy?" Kate questioned.

"My spidy senses." He said.

Kate kissed him again and she felt the baby kick again but she just kept kissing her fiancé.

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