The Appointment

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Chapter 7

When they got to the doctors office, Kate's hands were shaking and she was tapping her foot impatiently. Rick held her hand and she stopped shaking. She looked up at his smile and she smiled back. How could she be nervous if the love of her life and her were going to have a baby?

"Miss Beckett?" The nurse asked.

Kate and Rick stood up and walked over to the nurse at the front desk. "Right this way please." The nurse said pointing to the door to the right of the desk.

Kate walked in first, with Rick not that far behind her still holding her hand. Kate sat down on examination table. She looked around the room. The last time she was in a hospital was when she got shot. A painful and terrifying memory she didn't want to relive.

Rick sat on the chair that was against the wall on the opposite side of the room. He could tell she wasn't with him. She was off in another world reliving her shooting. He got up and put his arm around her. She was startled at first but glad to feel his touch.

She smiled as he laid down next to her. He kissed her temple whispering "I love you kate"

"I love you too Rick" she said.

The doctor came in and asked Kate how she was doing. The doctor was pleasant. It helped Kate with her nerves.

"Can you lie down on the bed please?" The doctor asked.

Kate did as she was told and lied down. The doctor pulled a bunch of machines closer to the bed. Kate didn't know what half of them did.

The doctor lifted Kate's shirt a little and squeezed a gel on Kate's stomach.

"It's cold" Kate said coming out of her trance.

Rick was standing beside Kate the entire time holding her hand. He had done this before but he felt a little more excited "was that bad?" He thought.

The doctor moved the ultrasound screen to Rick and Kate. He moved the ultrasound remote around Kate's stomach. "Congratulations Miss Beckett and Mr. Castle you are pregnant"

Rick was overjoyed and beamed with pride. Kate was unsure of herself. She was excited but scared at the same time. She smiled trying not to concern Rick but he could tell.

He wasn't going to say anything. At least not here.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" Asked the doctor.

Rick looked down at Kate waiting for her to answer.

"Um... We want it to be a surprise. " Kate said.

"Alright we'll that's it. There is nothing wrong with you or your baby everything looks good. I want you on desk duty by 5 months then maternity leave by 7 months " the doctor informed them both but it was meant for Kate.

Kate had forgotten about Gates. Gates was going to put Kate on desk duty the minute she tells her. She'll just have to try and hide it from her for a while.

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