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Chapter 11

"911 it is an emergency! My fiancé is missing. I saw her enter our bedroom. I was two seconds behind her and when I walked in the room she was gone." Rick said as tears filled his eyes.

"Sir, I am sending over an officer now. Please stay where you are. Where is your location?" The operator asked.

Rick gave the person his address.

"Thank you sir. An officer should be at your building in fifteen minutes." The operator informed him and disconnected.

Rick felt himself shaking as he paced in the kitchen. He called Ryan and Esposito but neither one of them answered.

His heart was racing as he waited for the officers to arrive. He could not stay still knowing his Kate was out there somewhere probably trapped or being tortured.

Rick was stuck in his thoughts until he heard a knock at the door.

"Excuse me Sir, but did you call in a distress call?" The two officers asked.

Rick nodded and motioned for the officers to come in.

"I'm Detective Brady and this is Officer Michael. Now, can you tell us what happened?" asked Detective Brady.

Rick nodded, "We were in the nursery and we felt the baby kick. She is four and a half months pregnant." Rick smiled at thought of their baby but continued.

"Kate ran into the bedroom and I chased after her." Rick started to feel the tears coming back.

"I was right behind her. I wasn't even five seconds behind her. If only I didn't take off my shoes. If I would have just followed her in maybe she would still be here." Rick put his head in his hands.

"When I got in there she was gone. She was gone in the blink of an eye. There was no trace of her leaving. Nothing." Rick said, trying to compose himself in front of officers.

"Thank you Mr. Castle I think we have everything we need to investigate in a missing person. Thank you for your time." Officer Michael thanked.

Rick walked them to the door and closed the door behind them.

As Rick locked the door his phone rang. He ran across the room and dived onto the couch to reach his phone.

"Hello? Kate is that you?" Rick hollered into the phone.

"Dude no it's Espo. What's wrong? where is Kate?" Espo asked.

"She is missing Javi. One minute she was running into the bedroom and the next she was gone." Rick informed him.

"Alright man I'm on my way over now. I'll be there in ten minutes." Espo assured him and hung up the phone.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Rick ran over to answer it.

"Hello Sir. did you call in a distress call?" an officer asked holding up his badge.

Rick was confused. "Yes but two officers just left after I told them all the information they asked for." Rick said.

"Well I'm sorry sir but I was the only officer assigned to this case." The officer informed Rick.

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