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Chapter 12

Kate was was taken into a room. She was hazy and everything was a blur. She was forced to sit in a chair by two men. They strapped her in. The buckles were extremely tight and cutting off the circulation to her feet and hands. They shined a light on her face so she saw nothing in front of her.

Just then someone walked in. She could here the clicking of the business shoes on the cold cement floor. She couldn't make out who it was. All she could see was a blur and black leather shoes.

Kate was scared but she tried not to show it. She was scared to death on the inside. Not for herself, but for Rick. If something happen to her she knew Rick would be a mess. She knew he would blame himself for everything.

~back at the loft~

"Officer I just gave information to two other officers and they left with her picture." Rick continued. "Who were they if you were the only officer assigned to this case?"

"Sir, I have no idea who those men were but I can assure you we will find them. I'm gonna have to ask you to give me a description of the men." The officer informed Rick.

"Um...well they...they had a blue uniform on...and...and...I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy worrying about Kate, my fiancé." Rick sobbed.

He sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. He had no idea what was happening. It was all changing so fast and he couldn't stop it.

Just then Espo came banging on the door.

"Castle are you in there!" Espo screamed.

"Come in Espo." Rick said.

"Where's Kate?" Espo asked concerned.

Rick looked at Espo with tears in his eyes. His eyes were blood shot from all the crying. He knew crying would never get him anywhere but that's all he could do right now.

"It's just like Alexis in Paris. They took Kate" Rick finally managed to say. "Someone took Kate and I have no idea who."

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