Safe Haven

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Chapter 19

Ricks keys jingled in the lock. Kate walked in first with her arms crossed and a low head. No one was home and the loft was dark. Kate didn't want to talk and slowly walked into the living room.

Rick had not seen Kate's smile in days. Her face was drained. Kate had not slept in days and the bags under her eyes proved it.

"We're home." Rick hesitantly said.

Kate ignored it and Rick did not mind. He knew she was hurting and wanted to be alone. He wanted her to let it out but he didn't want to push her.

Kate dragged her legs while she walked into her room. She took off her shoes and crawled into bed. The bed was cold. Her tears fell down her cheeks and dampened her pillow. She was so tired but she could not sleep. She drifted in and out of her thoughts.

How could I have let this happen? Why did this happen to me?

Rick let Kate have her space for a couple of hours. He did not want to make her even more upset than she already was.

He knocked on their door and walked in. Kate was lying awake in bed staring out the window.

"Kate?" He asked hoping she would respond.

No answer.

Rick did not want to push. He walked around to the other side of the bed and sat on the edge blocking Kate's view out the window. His movement did not phase her.

Rick went to touch Kate's hand. When he did she flinched and took her hand back. She looked into his eyes and more tears started to form.

"I... I'm so... sorry" Kate finally responded through her sobs. Rick looked at Kate and leaned closer to her.

"Kate none of this is your fault. You did nothing wrong." He responded as he wiped away her tears from her cheeks. "Maybe we weren't ready to have a kid together. Maybe now we can think about what we can do in the future and plan it. Kate I know you don't want to hear this but I lost a baby too. I might not have been attached to it but I did lose a child."

At Rick's words Kate buried her head into her pillow. "I know and I'm sorry. I just feel all of this is my fault. If I didn't push to get Braken then maybe our baby might still be alive."

"Kate you cannot think like that. Braken destroyed your life. He took away your mother and now your baby. You did nothing wrong. You did your job when you went after him. We can get past this Kate. We have each other to lean on." Rick reminded her.

Kate sat up on the bed and Rick stood up giving Kate his hand. "We need to work together to move on. It will take time but that's why we are together, to spend time with each other."

Kate took Rick's hand and stood up with him. He kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms around her. Kate hugged him back.

"We need a break" Rick admitted.

Kate looked up at him in confusion.

Rick got down on one knee. "We need a break from all the stress and sadness. We can start over. Kate, will you go on a date with me?" Rick asked.

Kate giggled a little and Rick saw her smile and smiled back at her. "Always"

Kate got down to Rick's level and kissed him. "If you want we can try for another baby when we are ready. We can get through this..together." Rick told her.

"I know" Kate responded and Kate hugged him again.

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