The Flasback (The Tape)

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Chapter 15

Earlier that month Rick had gotten a phone call saying someone had evidence against Braken. They gave him specific instructions to give to Kate. She had to go in alone. No wires, no cops, and only Kate.

Kate walked into the small diner with her head low. She had a Gray hoodie and jeans on.

She picked a booth in the back like she was told and just started at the wall. A man tapped her shoulder as he sat down in the booth behind her.

"Detective Beckett, I know of a tap hidden in your mother's belongings. It is very important you find it. Braken is planning to take you all down at once. Simmons is dead. Lockwood is dead. Montgomery is dead. Your mother is dead. How many more have to die before we reach justice?" The man said.

Kate didn't speak.

"The tape is a confession. Braken's confession to all of this. If you find it, he will go away for forever. He cannot hurt anyone else." The man said.

He left an orange envelope on the table and left. She waited until he left then got up for the package.

There was a paper inside. It read "the tape is closer than you think."

Kate didn't understand but she has to do this for her mother.

Kate left the dinner and went home to Rick. They rummaged through every box of Kate's mother's but they found nothing.

Where is the tape?

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