Divinus Magia head cannons

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(Curse and slight violence warning)

Fun fact! Divinus Magia is latin! it translates to Divine Magic in English!

Lara ended up coming back to the guild, Devin was very relived to see her

Mario likes to write stories

David and Lucas are platonic husbands

Plant sees Viper as their mom

Inmo can only read upside down, Lucas taught him to mess with the others

Kit and Lara are the only ones allowed to bake because they only make semi sweet stuff

Devin gets away with having his sweets cause of pretty privilege, also no one can stop him- Brandon tried once and got knocked tf out-

Ms. P took a liking to Kit and treats her like her grand child

Polly pulls pranks and blames them on David

Mario and David have the dynamic of "I would kill an army to keep you safe but if you even breath at me wrong I will f#cking end you"

Devin has scary dog privilege between Ritchie and a very protective Allumos, he enjoys the gesture but does not need protection in the slightest

Brandon is ace

Ritchie is pan- 

a quote from David "how tf you swing both ways and still single- you ain't bisexual you BI yoself" Ritchie didnt even make him play dodge the lightning bolt- he was too impressed 

David has slight scoliosis

Mario has insomnia

David has mastered the art of knocking Mario out with just enough force to make him sleep for 6 1/2 hours

Devin once got into the rafters of the guild hall and refused to come down

Brandons scared of spiders

Ritchie is scared of bees

Marios scared of the dark due to trauma

Davids scared of heights

Lucas is scared of loosing his friends

Inmos scared of the ocean

Devins afraid of being forgotten

Pollys scared of the day Ms. P passes on

Ms.P is scared of loosing Polly

Plant is scared of being abandoned 

Kit is scared of Marshie hating her

Lara is scared of her family

(well that was depressing-)

Brandon and Ritchie cuddle at night

Mario is ticklish- he hides this at all costs, David still somehow found out, Mario was not pleased

Lara doesn't know how to cook normal food, she only knows how to bake

Lucas and Mario are Vipers comfort people and have to sneak him on the island to hang out

Mario allows Allumos to kidnap him at least once a week

Plant hibernates like a dragon slayer

Plant picked up Vipers habit of biting to show love

Polly has scars where her wings would be in her human form

Mario wears such thick clothes cause hes cold blooded

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