Dragon Family Headcannons

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(curse and violence warning, also some of the headcannons are sad)

(writing this cause i love the found family trope)

Members of the family include: Allumos, Pat, Bryan, Colin, Davis, Seekah, Mario and Viper

Viper gives kisses on the cheek and forehead to show affection 

Viper also bites to show affection, only Pat and Allumos are immune to it so the others carry anti-venom at all times in case he forgets

Mario is the youngest 

Allumos is the oldest 

Seekah is the most protective

Kit, Devin, Plant and Lara are honorary members of the family

Davis is technically part of the family but refuses it

Allumos is the mom of the group and they refer to him a such, he doesn't mind

Pat is like the rich wine aunt- but better-

the family made Colins toxic ex "skip town" yeah lets go with that, they skipped town, they hide what really happened from Colin cause he would cry

Mario had a toxic ex as well but he didn't skip town, Seekah threw that mf off a bridge and gloated about it 

Allumos refers to Davis as "uncle Davis" when hes around just to mess up with him

Ages: Allumos: 426. Bryan: 30. Seekah: 26. Colin: 26. Davis: 35. Mario: 22. Viper: 24.

Allumos has a massive blanket nest in the Grimshade basement for them whenever they want to use it, they mainly use it during hibernation

during hibernation they have the non dragon slayers watch over it so they don't need to wake up and check the place constantly

Viper and Mario share the bluenettes weighted blanket

Viper has a large light blue streak in his hair and hates it, Bryan helps him dye it whenever the old dye starts to wear out, Viper usually just dyes it his normal dark blue but has dyed it to match each of the others at least once

Mario sneaks the others onto the island of Divinus Magia quite often, Devin uses his magic to make Marios house slightly bigger on the inside to fit all the dragon slayers

Viper loves to draw and Mario loves to write, Viper will draw the characters in Mario's stories to surprise him

everyone in the family can see Jasper due to the bond

everyone loves Jasper (as they should)

Allumos is very protective over the younger dragons and doesn't like anyone who dates them

Mario gets really bad mood swings during that time of the month, the others are terrified of him, if he snaps at one of them they'll all avoid him for 20 minutes before testing to see if it was cramps or if he was pissed at them

the others are protective of Mario cause hes the youngest but he could probably beat most of their asses

Colin loves stickers and puts them on everything

Viper lets Bryan style his hair on important days

Mario does Seek's makeup when she asks

Bryan forgets to drink water and has to have the others remind him

Bryan and Viper fight about who gets to cook, Allumos is just glad he doesn't have to cook as much

Colin's favorite food is pumpkin seeds, the others are freaked out by the fact that he eats both the seeds and the shells 

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