The battle with the heroines

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"So you finally decided to come out and fight, eh? Chloe and Hinata." Rimuru said in a provoking tone.

"You know them, honey?" Tiamat asked her husband.

"Well, I never met them personally, but my other variants have." Rimuru explained to her. "So I know some of their powers." As he summoned two bone daggers and got ready to fight. Tiamat also got ready her ultimate skills. "You take Hinata. She is the one with short hair. You can manage her without killing her, but Chloe is a different story. She is able to defeat a true dragon. You can't defeat her without accidentally killing her. Don't kill her, alright?" 

"Alright, dear." Tiamat replied.

"Let the battle begin!" Rimuru shouted as his left eye turned blue and glowed heavily. He rushed towards Chloe and send her flying with one of his bones. Rimuru dashed towards her. Hinata was about to follow them, but she was stopped by a punch that was thrown by Tiamat. She barely dodged the attack

"Your fight is with me!" Tiamat shouted. Hinata got ready her rapier.

Outside Pov:

We can see Chloe flying. She suddenly stopped abruptly and there was now a blue light around her. She was then smashed onto the ground as a crater could be seen. Rimuru then jumped up and threw some bones at her with high speed. Chloe quickly dodged them and cut some of them in half. Rimuru then landed towards her as he attempted a kick, but Chloe successfully dodged the attack with ease. Rimuru teleported towards her and attacked her with his two daggers. They were exchanging attacks and sometimes parrying each other attacks. There were shockwaves and the whole multiverse could have felt them, if not for the barrier Rimuru had put up secretly at the start of the fight.  Rimuru then went for an uppercut to the chin with one of his daggers. Chloe realised this and leaned back, barely dodging it.

Rimuru appeared in front of her once more and delivered a heavy blow. Chloe was able to block, but was still knocked back. Rimuru spammed a Gaster Blasters behind her. Chloe looked behind her and wanted to dodge, but it was too late. The beam had hit her. She was injured, but not too badly because of her multi-dimensional barrier. She was on the ground and she was trying to get up. However, Rimuru did not give her enough time and summoned a large bone on the ground that hit her with great force, but not too much that it would kill her. She was only sent a few hundred kilometres away. She crashed into a mountain on the way and was able to move. She could not move as she was pinned down by Rimuru's soul telekinesis. Rimuru teleported there and saw that she was able to stand.

"Impressive, kiddo. You are able to stand up even though the effect of soul telekinesis is still on. You must have great will power." Rimuru commented. He stared at Chloe as he said that. She only looked at him with lifeless eyes as if she was killed inside. "I see, so that's why." Rimuru muttered as his eyes hid behind his bangs. His glowing eye intensified more. Rimuru smirked. 

Taking advantage of this moment, Chloe tried to slash Rimuru in half, only for her attack to be blocked. Rimuru then started to make a crooked smile and said:

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