The Nine-Tailed Leader

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There was now a blonde woman with nine tails and fox ears doing some paperwork. Her name was Yasaka, the leader of The West Youkai Fraction

Yasaka Pov:

I was currently doing my work when suddenly one of my maids came running in.

"Mis... Miss Ya... Yasaka."She panted. She was sweating heavily as she tried to use her knees as support.

"Relax first. Breathe in and out." I advised her.

She took a few breathes before saying. "Thank you, Yasaka-sama." She kneeled and continued. "I have come with a report."

"Go on." I said with a serious expression.

"There has been sightings of a nine-tailed fox within the forest. However, it has long blue hair and is playing a flute. Everywhere it went, the energy of the forest was lighter than before." She reported.

"Alright. Thank you for your report. You are dismissed." I said as the maid left the room.

"What do you think? Kumara, the Chimeric Lord." Yasaka asked as a person dropped down from the ceiling. She had brown hair and golden eyes. She was wearing a golden dress and had a red coat that was worn loosely.

"I have my suspicions on who it is. However, I highly doubt that it is him." Kumara said with a face of doubt, but with hope. "You better investigate who he is. He may be a threat. And if that person dares to try and impersonate master and make a joke out of him, I will rip him to shreds." She said as gravity became heavier in the room. Yasaka was able to hold her ground, but only barely.

"Calm down. This place may collapse because of this. I will go investigate it personally. You may come with me to investigate." Yasaka proposed.

"Hmm..." Kumara thought for a while before answering. "Sure, I will come."

They both left the house to find the person. As they drew closer to the person, they could hear the sounds of the flute being played. They followed the sound of where it was being played. When they reached, they could see a person there. He was playing the flute while walking around. He stopped playing and looked at the two foxes.

"How may I help you two?" He turned around and looked at the two.

Kumara stared at the figure as she analysed him while Yasaka was a blushing mess because of Rimuru appearance. Suddenly, Kumara kneeled down and said.

"It is good to see you once again, Lord Rimuru!" She shouted.

"Sorry. But I am not your Rimuru." He said.

"Huh?" Kumara said, confused.

Rimuru explained to her everything. Kumara was sad that her original master was still dead.

"But it doesn't matter! Even if you are another version of him, I will gladly serve you!" Kumara declared.

"Alright, then. I accept your offer." Rimuru said. He turned to Yasaka. "What about you?"

Yasaka jumped in surprise as she was mesmerised by his beauty.

"I... um... I think I would like to... um... be acquaintance with you." Yasak stammered.

"Hai. I will visit this place soon. And I have to say this." Rimuru said as he looked back at the night sky. Yasaka and Kumara looked at him.

"This place will be attacked in a year or so." Rimuru warned them before disappearing once again. Yasaka and Kumara stood there for a while before talking.

"We should strengthen our military strength and regularly send out scouts more." Kumara said as she started to walk back to the house. Yasaka got out of her trance as she covered her face.

"You are right." She said as she followed Kumara.

Rimuru Pov:

[My job is done and I just reached home.] I thought. [I have been feeling several 'familiar presences for a while now. I know who they are, but I will leave them be. They can protect themselves as they cannot defeat the old Velzard.]  (The Velzard before they were teleported here.) [I am getting rather uncomfortable. However, the finally act will begin soon so I should wait till the time nears.]

Rimuru was then grabbed by darkness itself as it enveloped him completely. However, he did not try to resist it. Suddenly, a smile which had crosses all over it and two crosses where the eyes should be.

 Suddenly, a smile which had crosses all over it and two crosses where the eyes should be

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