The Field Trip 2

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"R... Rimuru? Is that you?" The white-haired woman said.

"Yes, my name is Rimuru Tempest." Rimuru introduced himself. "What is your name?"

This took the woman by surprise. She was very confused.

"You don't know my name?" She asked Rimuru as she closed her eyes.

"No. I have not met you before." Rimuru acted like he did not know her. "I am just a different version from the Rimuru, you know." 

"Oh, I see. That explains why you don't know me." She said as a saddened look appeared on her face. "My name is Shiraori. The woman in white, and one of your close friends in my universe."

"Oh, ok. Nice to meet you, Shiraori." Rimuru stretched his hand out for it to shake it.

She looked confused at Rimuru for a while before realising that she was met to shake his hand. She quickly took it after realising her mistake.

"So mind explaining why you were sleeping on the ground." Rimuru asked.

"Umm... let me try to recall." Shiraori crossed her arms and thought for a moment of why she was sleeping. "Oh, yeah! I remember! I was fighting this really powerful monster. He was so strong that even I had some trouble facing it." She stopped for a while and put her hand on her chin. "It had... black scales, and... blue eyes... It also had horns, too." She continued.

[Hmm... Black scales... blue eyes... horns...] Rimuru repeated what she said in his mind. [Must be Zilais Pulis, The Azura. Geez. He can really make a mess sometimes.] <Ciel, check if her descriptions are like...>

<Done, Master. It has been confirmed that it is indeed Zilais Pulis that matches her description.> Ciel answered.

<Thank you, Ciel. You are always very fast.> Rimuru thanked her.

<No problem, master.> Ciel said. 

Rimuru turned back to Shiraori and opened his mouth.

"I think I know who attacked you." Rimuru said.

"Huh? Who?" Shiraori asked.

"The one who attacked you is Zilais Pulis. It was an annoying lizard, if I would say so myself." Rimuru explained.

"And by lizard, you mean dragon, don't you?" Shiraori said.

"Yes. He is one of my friends in 'my' universe." Rimuru said with an exaggerated tone. However, Shiraori did not notice his exaggerated tone as she stared in one direction. 

"He is here." Shiraori mumbled. Rimuru looked at her and nodded his head. "Zilais is coming here, and at a fast pace. He is probably coming for me." 

"Well, we just got to fight him then." Rimuru said as he summoned Haddee Kataar. Shiraori stood up and summoned her scythe. She swung it around for a while to show a sign that she was ready.

Suddenly, the ground exploded, and a blue dragon with horns and black scales came out. It turned it head to the left and right as if looking for something. Once it saw Shiraori and Rimuru, it stared at them with hostility as it gritted its teeth.

"Well, hello there, Zilais. How long has it been since we last saw each other?" Rimuru mocked him.

It gritted its teeth even more once it heard Rimuru's mocking. It dashed towards them, with the intent to bash into them. Rimuru and Shiraori jumped into the air while doing a back flip and landed perfectly onto the ground.

"Too slow!" Rimuru shouted mockingly at Zilais.

Zilais got furious at Rimuru. He spread his wings wide open and jumped at Rimuru with great speed. However, to Rimuru, it was only like he was just stuck there. Rimuru just moved to one side and let Shiraori hit Zilais. She hit him with great force.

Zilais fell to the ground after the hit. Suddenly, a burst of light and magic came out of Jim as he transformed. He transformed into his hybrid form where he is part dragon and human. His physical ability has greatly enhanced, too.

He had blue hair but a darker shade of blue than Rimuru's. He had purple eyes and horns. His eyes were dead, hinting no emotion in them.

"Same as Chloe and Hinata, eh?" Rimuru commented.

"Huh? Chloe and Hinata are here, too?" Shiraori said.

"Yea. They are two of my wives." Rimuru said.

Shiraori heard this, and her heart broke. She had fallen for Rimuru for a long time as he was there to help her after their reincarnation. She was always by his side, even before their reincarnation as they were childhood friends with another girl.

Rimuru sensed her devastation and glanced at her.

"Oi! Don't forget that I am not the same Rimuru you know!" Rimuru shouted at Shiraori

She heard him and looked up to him. Shiraori suddenly remembered that it was not the same Rimuru as the one in her universe. He had died long ago. Shiraori straightened up and used both her hands to hold her scythe.

Rimuru smirked as a light came from his wrist on the left hand.

"Time to use this, I guess." Rimuru said.

Suddenly, his arm was covered in scales of dark blue.

"Turn Null!" Rimuru exclaimed as a purple shock wave emitted.

It could be felt not only on earth but even in the entire universe and a few other universes, too.

"What was that!" Shiraori shouted at Rimuru.

"Heh. That was the most chaotic energy that can be found in the entirety of all the multiverse. Or known and feared by the gods, Kaosuen." Rimuru explained.

[Geez. I can see why it is the most chaotic. Even though I am the fourth strongest variant, this energy could have deleted all my data and the author's memories of me. Luckily, I have this bracelet on.] Rimuru thought. [I need some time to be exposed by this, so I can master it.]

Rimuru glanced down at the bracelet with a sweat drop and a smile. He then turned to Zilais and went to attack him. Zilais tried to use a magic punch, but it was not working. He realised this and tried a normal punch, but even that did not work. It was as if all his abilities were nullified. Rimuru smirked and used one of his Haddee Kataar to slice Zilais, which he did with success.

Zilais fell to the ground as blood came out of his nose. He lay unconscious on the ground.

Rimuru turned to Shiraori and saw her mouth wide open. She stared at him with disbelief as he easily took down an enemy in a matter of seconds, which she had trouble with, and almost got killed by him.

"Let's wait for him to wake up first. Despite being annoying, he is one of my long-term friends." Rimuru said as he woke Shiraori up from her thoughts.

She just nodded. Rimuru stared at her for a while before walking up to Shiraori and picked her up.

"Wh... what are you doing!" Shiraori shouted.

"Just letting you have a more comfortable spot." Rimuru then placed her on his lap.

Shiraori was a blushing mess as they just waited for Zilais to wake up.

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