A Discussion

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Luminous and Velgrynd are now talking to each other.

"I wonder why Guy suddenly called a walpurgis out of nowhere. I mean aside from us being teleported here without no clue who did it and our power being upgraded by a hundred times or so, nothing much has happened over the past ten years." Luminous said.

"I don't know why, but I feel like it is something big." Velgrynd said.

They talked for a bit more before a very edgy door frame appeared. A green hair woman came out of it. She bowed to both of them and spoke.

"Lady Luminous, the walpurgis is about to start." The women said.

"Okay, Mizery. Let's get going, then. See you later, Velgrynd." Luminous said to her friend. Velgrynd waved at her.

"Oh. Before I forget, Guy has requested for Lady Velgrynd to come along too." Mizery said.

"Eh? Why? What does that red hair demon want?" Velgrynd asked.

"I don't know, but Veldora and Velzard are also attending the meeting." Mizery said.

Velzard had a face of shock as she heard her two siblings attending it. She thought for a while before answering.

"Alright, I will attend." Velgrynd stood up. Luminous and her followed Mizery to the realm where a walpurgis is always held. (Guy can still open a portal to the realm as his power was enhanced.)

Once they reached there, they saw all the demon lords and true dragons.

"Hello, Velgrynd." A female voice greeted her from the side. Velgrynd turned towards the voice and saw Velzard there.

"Hello, Onii-san. How have you been?" Velgrynd greeted back.

"I have been well. How about you?" Velzard said.

"I am good. But do you know why Guy called all the true dragons and true heroes here?" Velgrynd asked.

"Yes. It has something to do with Rimuru." Velzard face turned serious as she said it.

"Rimuru? Why is he the topic of this meeting?" Velgrynd asked.

"You will know later. Now let's take a seat." Velzard said as she pointed towards two seat that were next to Veldora. They moved toward the seats.

"Hello, Veldora." Velgrynd greeted him.

"Hello, Onii-chan." Veldora greeted back. (Veldora is not scared of his sisters anymore cuz of Rimuru's death.) They talked for a while before Guy shouted.

"The walpurgis will now begin!" Guy announced before continuing. "I know you all are confused as to why the true dragons are here. Well, the reason being is that Milim spotted Rimuru."

Everyone was taken a back by the information.

"Oi! Rouge! Don't play a prank on us! It isn't even funny if you think it is!" Veldora shouted.

"But I am not. I am dead serious. The other day, Milim sent me a thought communication while she was in school. She said that she saw Rimuru in her class as a new student. Milim, may you tell us what you saw." Guy pointed his hand to Milim.

"Hai." Milim nodded her head. "When I was in school, disguised as a student to see find any way back home, I saw Rimuru entering the class. He even had the same name as our Rimuru! Chloe and Hinata were with him too!" Milim explained.

"Wait! You saw Chloe and Hinata!" Luminous stood up.

"Yes. They were with Rimuru the whole day." Milim said with a bit of jealousy. Luminous sat down again. She was jealous as the heroine duo got to be with Rimuru for the whole day. Velzard and Velgrynd were jealous too.

"Okay, so we know that Chloe and Hinata are here. But, Milim, what do you mean by 'our Rimuru'?" Ramiris asked her. Everyone looked at her with a curious look.

Tears streamed down Milim cheeks as she spoke. "That Rimuru is just a different version of him." Milim blankly said.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Leon said.

"I mean that he is not from out universe, but another one." Milim said. "I eavesdropped on their conversation and heard that 'Rimuru' is a different variant of him. Meaning that in a another universe, Rimuru never died trying to fight 'him'."

Everyone was shocked at the news of there being a different version of Rimuru.

"Hmm... it is possible. He could not have survived. He was counted as an anomaly by the VOTW." Veldora mumbled to himself. "Wait! Milim! Did you noticed anything different about him?"

"Hm? Yes. When I tried to scan him, the words, "System error' keeps showing up." Milim explained to them.

"As I thought. Every variant has something different about them. It could be anything from their likes, dislikes, personality, race or taste of clothing. However, their aura and looks will be almost the exact same." Veldora said.

"And where do know this from?" Dino said.

"Undertale." Veldora said. Everyone deadpanned, but when they thought about it, it made sense.

"So that solves the question on how Milim saw Rimuru. So now coming to the next question, why did he decide to join Kuoh Academy?" Guy said.

Everyone had a thinking face. Some put their hand on their chin.

"Maybe his reason to go is to solve why there are so many fallen angels appearing out of nowhere." Dino pointed out. Everyone looked at him.

"Explain." Guy said.

"When I was sleeping one day, I suddenly felt a spike in the number of fallen angels appearing. I don't why, but they kept going to a certain location." Dino yawned before continuing. "There was a large mansion there. Two mountains one the side of it." He sharpened his eyes as he came to the next part. "I also sensed a seraphim angel there. His magical energy was very big. It was bigger than Feldway's. He could probably go toe to toe with the current Guy. However, he won't win." (Everyone can now defeat Feldway because of their upgraded power.)

Everyone was shell-shocked at the information. 

"To be able to go toe to toe with Guy. The most ancient and third most powerful demon lord." Leon mumbled as a sweat dropped.

"Hold up. Does everyone remember the powerful aura that we felt a year ago?" Ramiris asked. Everyone nodded their head in response. "Did it seem familiar to you?"

Everyone thought about it for a while and noticed that she was right. It did seem very familiar.

"It almost felt like..." Guy paused as his eyes widened.

"Like Rimuru's." Milim was shaking as she had just realised.

"So that means Rimuru has been here for an year or so." Ramiris concluded.

Boom! They all looked at the cause of it as saw Veldora standing there with a fist on the table. There was now a missing piece there. Veldora held his hand as that position as he looked down.

"Damn! Why didn't I realise my own brother's aura? I have failed." He mumbled as a few tear dropped. Ramiris went to his side as she comforted him.

"Don't worry, Master. Remember that he is just another version of ours so you couldn't have realised straight away." She comforted Veldora.

"Ugh. This is too much." Guy slumped back onto his chair as he held his head. "This meeting is over. We will continue another time. Get some rest." Everyone started to leave one by one. Velzard and Velgrynd checked on Veldora before they too left.

Somewhere else:

"So this is where the West Youkai Fraction resides. Hm... I can sense someone that is familiar with my other variants. Probably Kumara. She is the only nine-tailed fox among their patrons." A man with long sliver blue hair said to himself as he looked at the night sky. Nine fox tails appeared from his behind as a set of fox ears also appeared. He looked at the base of the West Youkai Fraction. It was an old-school Japanese house. "Operation will now begin." He said as he jumped down.

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