The Field Trip

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"Alright, class. We will be going on a field trip at an old mine on Thursday. Be prepared as it will take at least half a day. Make sure you have brought everything you need." The teacher told her students. 

"""HAI!""" The class answered. Once they went back home,  they told their parents about it. Rimuru just told Tiamat and Sans about it. 

Three days later, they were all outside the bus, waiting to be allowed to enter it. The teacher was marking attendance so they had to wait. Chloe was happy as she get to sit next to Rimuru, while the other two were jealous of her, but at least were sitting behind Rimuru and Chloe.

"Everyone! Enter the bus now!" The teacher instructed. Everyone got into the bus and sat down at their assigned seats. 

"Are you excited about this, sensei?" Chloe asked him as she hugged his arm.

"Hmm... The field trip itself... not really, but the people there, maybe." Rimuru answered.

"What do you mean, sensei?" She looked up to see him.

"I mean that there are going to be some very familiar faces there." Rimuru told her.

"?" Chloe gave a confused look. She wanted to ask more, but decided against it as she trusts him.

After a while, Rimuru felt something on his lap. He looked down, and saw Chloe sound asleep. Hinata and Milim pouted at this as they too wanted to sleep on their husband's lap too.

"Don't worry. I will let you two sleep on my lap later when we get back home." Rimuru reassured them. The two smiled at him as he said that. <You too, Ciel and Tiamat.>

<<Thank you, honey.>> They thanked him.

After an hour of travelling, they finally reached their destination. The teacher instructed them to get off the bus and make sure that they did not leave anything behind. Rimuru poked at Chloe's cheek to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes and yawned cutely.

"Huh? Are we here already?" Chloe rubbed her eyes as she looked at Rimuru.

"Yes, we are here." Rimuru nodded his head.Chloe slowly got off his lap and stood up to walk out of the bus. Rimuru followed behind her.

Once they got out of the bus, they saw the teacher nagging at the students on what to do. Rimuru and Chloe joined Hinata and Milim to the teacher's nagging. 

"You must... blah, blah, blah." The teacher nagged.

Rimuru yawned loudly as he put his hand over his mouth. He asked Ciel to play some music for him.

Rimuru just closed his eyes and listened to his music as he did not care about the instructions. After what seemed like minutes turned into hours, she finally stopped and gestured everyone to the cave. Rimuru sensed this, so he stopped the music and walked with the class. They stopped in front of an old man with white and grey hair.

"Hello. You must be class 2-A. My name is Mr Tan, your guide for the day." Mr Tan introduced himself. The class greeted him. "Now, let's go and explore the cave, shall we?" He said as he made his way to the cave.

The class followed right behind him, as they did, they saw nothing, but old railings and an old mine cart, full of debris. The guide told them the history of the cave. Of how it was built and why it was built. The class was slowly getting bored except for a few of them. Rimuru was not paying attention as he was studying some parts of the cave. There were magic marking there and he was trying to see who had put them here. 

After a few hours of talking and exploring, they stopped for a while.

"Alright, everyone. Let's take a break first." Mr Tan said. "You may now eat your snacks." He continued.

Everyone found a place to sit and they ate the food they had brought. The teacher reminded them to not leave their trash repeatedly until she got tired of it and went to sit down. It has been a few minutes and the break time was over. As they were about to leave, Rimuru noticed that some of the boys left their trash all over the place. He turned to his class and saw that they were now going to explore some more. He sighed and turned to his wives.

"You guys go ahead first. Some of our classmates left their trash hanging around the place." Rimuru informed them. "I will check up later." 

His wives nodded and went with the class. Rimuru started to pick up the trash around the place. 

<I should murder them for making master pick up their trash.> Ciel muttered.

<I will help you.> Tiamat agreed with her. 

<Sigh. Don't worry, girls. It's just picking up some trash. Either way, we can use this opportunity to find them.> Rimuru said to them. 

After he was done picking up the trash, he made his way to the magic markings and found the area which had a lot of magic on it. He then use an extremely small amount of nuclear magic and destroyed the area. The explosion did not affect the cave too much as he put a barrier around the place. There was now a big hole for an adult to fit through. Rimuru climbed into it. 

Once he reached the end of it, he saw a woman with half the body of a spider. She had white hair and snow-white skin. She was laying down on the ground, sleeping peacefully on a spider web. Rimuru bent down to her face and poked it.

"Wake up, you spider." Rimuru said harshly.

She finally woke up after what felt like eternity to Rimuru. She had blood-red eyes and looked around at her surroundings. Her eyes finally landed on Rimuru. Tears flooded her eyes and a blush appeared on her face.

"R... Rimuru? Is that you?" She asked.

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