Just an average day

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Rimuru's Pov:

I am currently under an umbrella, and sleeping as a book was covering my eyes.

"Darling! The food is ready!" A feminine voice called me. I moved the book a little bit and side-glanced at the person.

I saw a woman who had silver pink hair and blue eyes. She had a remarkable face as she ran over to me childishly. It was my one of my wives, Milim Nava. It is currently the school holidays. Milim and I have grown closer as the days pass, and I have considered her my wife. We are now having a barbecue on the beach.

"Hai. Hai. I will come." I said as I slowly got up. I put the book aside to follow Milim.

"Before we go to eat food, can I have a kiss?" Milim asked me.

"Sure." I quickly pulled her in close as I kissed her on the lips. We kissed for a while before someone appeared.

"Hey! That's not fair! I want a kiss too!" Another feminine voice complained.

We both looked at the person. She had long black hair and grey eyes. She had a perfect body and face that made many women jealous of her. She was also one of Rimuru's wives, Chloe Aubert.

"Too bad." Milim sticked her tongue out at her.

They both began to argue. I sighed at their behaviour, so I kissed both of them on their lips to end their argument.

"Let's go eat you two." I said as I put my hands around their waist, which caused them to blush heavily. Many guys sent jealous glances at Rimuru as he got to be with two pretty girls, but they were not so jealous as there were three other hot girls there.

Some guys went over to Tiamat.

"Hey, baby! Why not join us?" A blonde guy asked.

Tiamat did not even look at the guy and continued to cook the food.

"And why would I? I just see you guys as nothing more than arrogant brats." Tiamat commented blankly.

All of them were taken back. The blonde guy was furious and gritted up his teeth.

"You will regret that!" He shouted as he lifted his fist and was about to punch her.

However, his fist never made contact with its target. Rimuru had caught his fist. He moved the guy's fist a bit and glared at him.

"Touch her, and you will see what will happen..." Rimuru warned him coldly. "Do you understand?" He put more strength on his grip as he released more killing intent.

"Ugh! Let go!" The guy shouted as he tried to pull his arm away from Rimuru's grip, but he was unable to.

"Hmm..." Rimuru glared at him with a lot of intent to break his arm but discarded the idea to do so as it would cause a scene. He let go reluctantly. He let them go with a warning that if they touched any of the wives, he would not let them go with just a warning.

The guys quickly ran away after Rimuru finished saying his warning. He looked at the guys cowardly running away as he sighed. Suddenly, he felt someone hug him behind. He looked behind him, but he already knew who it was without even looking.

"Thank you, honey!" Tiamat thanked him as she kissed his cheek.

"No problem, dear." He said to her.

"Well, let's forget about them and go eat some barbecue." Tiamat suggested.

"Yea, let's go." Rimuru answered. They called the rest, and they went to eat barbecue.

They were all eating food as they talked. Milim was eyeing a stick of beef and was about to take it, but it was too late as someone else did. She looked at the culprit and saw her beloved husband, Rimuru.

"Rimuru! I wanted them!" Milim complained.

"Hehe. Too bad!" Rimuru sticked his tongue out at her.

Milim gritted her teeth and tried to grab the beef from Rimuru. He stretched his arm out for her to not be able to get it. Milim tried to get the beef as she continuously stretched her arms out to get it, but was unsuccessful. Rimuru suddenly noticed that Sans was looking at someone. He looked at the person and saw a female with white blue hair and white eyes.

Rimuru looked at her and Sans. He did not even notice Milim taking his beef and cheering at the back. He smirked and went to Sans.

"So who are you looking at, eh?" Rimuru said teasingly as Sans flinched.

"Umm.... no one..." Sans lied.

"Uh huh." Rimuru said as he still had his teasing face.

"Ugh! Fine! I am looking at that girl over there." He said, pointing at the girl. "I don't know why I feel attracted to her."

"Hm. I don't know. Maybe it's fate or something." Rimuru shrugged as he returned back to eat their food.

Sans continued to look at the girl for a while more before turning away to drink his ketchup.

After they ate, they decided to swim. The girls tried to get the attention of Rimuru, who was trying to calm them down as they kept arguing.

Sans was looking at them with an expression that says, "I hope that doesn't happen to me too." He took another sip of his ketchup as he laid back. He suddenly noticed a monster aura in the sea. He opened his eyes and squinted them.

"Hey!" Sans called out to Rimuru.

"Yea. I know." He answered. Rimuru then let out -100% of his aura to scare the beast away, which was successful. Rimuru looked at Sans and smiled.

"..." Sans was speechless but shrugged it off after a while. He then started to relax again.

Rimuru and his wives were playing in the water as they splashed water at each other.

"Oh, hey guys!" A familiar voice only to Rimuru, Milim, and the heroine duo were familiar with shouted out to them.

They turned to the voice and saw a blonde hair girl. She had green eyes.

"Oh, Asia. It is nice to see you here." Rimuru greeted her. "May I ask why are you here?"

"The club decided to bring everyone to the beach. That's why I am here." Asia explained. (I don't watch dxd, so I don't know her personality.)

"Oh, ok. So where are the rest?" Chloe asked.

"They are unpacking the things, I decided to take a walk first." Asia explained.

"Then how about you guys joined us here?" Hinata asked.

"I think that's a good idea. Let me ask them." Asia said as she turned around and saw the club. "Oh, they are here." She ran over to them and talked to them for a while.

They agreed and followed Asia to where Rimuru and the rest were.

"Oh, hello, Rimuru. It is nice to see." A red-haired girl said as she waved at him.

"Hello, Rias." Rimuru greeted her.

"Thank you for letting us join you." Rias thanked him as she bowed her head slightly.

"It's no problem." He said. "You can go put your stuff down first."

The ORC went to put down their things, and Rimuru and his group helped them.

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