What an annoying little birdie

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It has been a few days since Rimuru and the heroine duo joined the school. They have met the ORC organisation and have become good friends with them. However, they have not told Rimuru and the heroine duo that they were devils, though they do not need to as the three already knew. Rimuru has become rather... popular with girls. (Rimuru in the corner of my room sulking as I look at him with a sweat droplet on my face.) He has been confessed too many times and chased quite a few times. Tiamat, Chloe, and Ciel (plus Hinata and Milim. Whispered) were about to murder all of them if it were not for Guy, Rimuru, and Sans stopping them from doing so. However, there was a certain birdie looking at him continuously, even during lesson time. Her name was Raynare. She kept trying to go near Rimuru, and she was the yandere trio plus Milim and Ciel (they are the only yanderes for now) main target. 

Now, the present time:

Rimuru and the heroine duo walked into the classroom. They were talking about random things. As they entered the classroom, everyone inside was looking at them as if they were gods and goddesses that descended from heaven. They did not pay any mind to them as they walked to their seats. When Rimuru reached his seat, he noticed a letter. He opened it and read its contents. 

"Please meet me at the school roof... I have something to confess to you... by Raynare." Rimuru quietly read the letter but was heard by Chloe. She wanted to shout at him but decided against it as it would disturb the class.

Rimuru's Pov:

[This could be useful to me. I know she is going to confess her so-called "love." I think I can use her to help me draw out Milim, and it could help me with getting this stupid thing to awaken. It is much more complicated than any other gear. It was crafted by Lupus, one of the first <error>. It can only be awakened by the death of the holder. I can't die using this body, so I will just switch into a normal human body. I should let out a small burst of magic so that only they can sense it.] I thought as I side glanced at the heroine duo and Milim. I secretly switched into a normal human body. Chloe and Hinata felt it and looked at him. 

"Sensei? Did you use magic?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, I did. I decided to change into a human body." I answered.

"But why?" Hinata asked.

"No reason. It's just for fun." I said blankly.

"Hmm. Alright then." Hinata said suspiciously.

"Alright! Everyone, get into your seats!" The teacher voice called. Everyone got into their seats.

[Hm... He is acting suspicious. Better follow him after school.] Hinata thought.

[Why did he suddenly use magic? What is the reason? He used it to change into a human body... I think it is best to follow him.] Milim thought as she stared at Rimuru.

After school, Rimuru went to the top of the roof and waited for Raynare there. He waited for a while before she arrived. 

"Sorry. Did you wait for a long time?" Raynare asked.

"No. I just got here." Rimuru answered as he put on a fake smile and used the most polite tone he could use.

"Okay. Well, the reason I called you here is because... is because." She kept repeating the same words as her bangs covered her eyes.

Behind the door of the exit, three people could be seen looking at them. They were burning with jealousy as they saw this play out. The three people were the heroine duo and Milim, who they met on the way here. They explained everything about Rimuru and what they had been doing. 

Inside Rimuru's soul, we can see a woman with white and blue hair. She was smiling evilly as she watched the scene. She was Ciel, Rimuru's first wife. She was burning with rage as she was about to get out of her master's soul and rip the woman, who is in front of her master, in half. 

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